Flat Tire - Roadside Assistance

Jacob Agaetis

Been Around the Block
So I had my first flat yesterday. Rode the week old KLR to work with no issues then came out to go home and the rear tire was completely empty. A co-worker had a compressor but the tube just wouldn't hold any air.

That's when my roadside assistance came in handy. I called up Progressive and they were able to schedule someone to pick it up within the hour and drop it off at the repair shop of my choice, free of charge. Unfortunately that didn't work with my schedule so I scheduled pick up for this morning. Not sure what caused the flat yet, hopefully the shop will tell me. I took the bike off-road fly-fishing this weekend and there's been a lot of construction around my neighborhood so that could be the culprit.

Just have to say... I get my roadside through my insurance, Progressive charges $10 a year for this service, that's $0.83 a month, and $0.03 a day. Last time I used a tow shop it was like a $80 fee plus $3 a mile. Sounds worth it to me.

Anyone else have any experience with roadside assistance?


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I have Progressive car and bike insurance. I have used Roadside Assistance with my truck, so far I haven't needed it with the bike. When I called for being stuck on the side of the road, the operator was awesome. Asked if I was on a cell phone and I said yes. She then asked if I would mind her getting my location from the phone's GPS and I said yes. She said it would be 45min or less. Tow truck was there in 30 min. The driver said there's a 15 mile limit for the town, after that, I am responsible. Luckily the service garage is only 8 miles from where I was. hmm, better check my bike policy and make sure it's on there. Some things are worth having even at an additional cost.
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