Flea Market / Swap Meet at CTMP (Mosport) Saturday August 22


Coast to Coast
Hi all,
Just thought I'd let everyone know that in conjunction with the Vintage Road Racing Association Vintage Festival at Mosport, August 21 - 23, there will be a Flea Market / Swap Meet on the Saturday, organized by the Eastern Shield chapter of the Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group. In other years, various sellers - me included - have been spread around all over, but this way we'll be in one place.
The CVMG guys are also running a Concours on Saturday, so bring your classy ride and show it off.
For details regarding the Flea Market and Concours, please contact:
George Best
Sounds like a fun weekend - great venue, great motorcycles and outstanding racing.
You can get additional information regarding the racing at vrra.ca. Ten bucks a day and that includes camping and a live band on Saturday night.
Hope to see you at CTMP - come on by my booth and say hello, shoot the shit and maybe even buy some of our XLNT products.
Pat Cowan,
Pacomotorstuff / Vintage Motorcycle Fiberglass
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