Been Around the Block
This summer I started looking for a trail bike so I could ride with some buddies on something a little bigger than the cl, and now I’ve successfully found a replacement in the form of a… Yamaha fz600? Ok so maybe I got a little sidetracked, but I got a once in a lifetime offer from member ex119x, and I couldn’t turn it down, so I’m now the proud owner of what is in my opinion one beautiful street bike. I have always been a sucker for dual round headlight Japanese sport bikes, and frankly I never expected to own one at this point in my life. Here’s how she sits right now:
The bodywork is just placed on there currently, but I had to see what it looked like. I haven’t 100% decided on a plan for this bike yet, but first order is to just get it back in running riding shape. It has very good bones, but definitely needs love. The carbs are in nice shape but definitely have some varnishing going on and the floats and float pins are stuck pretty good, and so are the choke mechanisms. Beyond that, I know that the wiring needs a little love, but I think it’s mostly going to be a matter of being good about organizing and labeling things. I don’t have the main body fairing, but I kind of like the look of just the tail fairings and headlight faring. I may experiment with slimming out the tail faring some to help modernize the look someday, but that’s far away right now. I also like the idea of small dual round tail lights, similar style to the cbr250rr fireblade of the 80’s. Again that’s a long ways away though. I expect that this is going to be a lot of cleaning, painting, and replacing hardware and wiring. Oh and I need an air box most likely since I don’t really want to mess with pods at all. Any advice or suggestions are welcome, mechanical or aesthetic!
The bodywork is just placed on there currently, but I had to see what it looked like. I haven’t 100% decided on a plan for this bike yet, but first order is to just get it back in running riding shape. It has very good bones, but definitely needs love. The carbs are in nice shape but definitely have some varnishing going on and the floats and float pins are stuck pretty good, and so are the choke mechanisms. Beyond that, I know that the wiring needs a little love, but I think it’s mostly going to be a matter of being good about organizing and labeling things. I don’t have the main body fairing, but I kind of like the look of just the tail fairings and headlight faring. I may experiment with slimming out the tail faring some to help modernize the look someday, but that’s far away right now. I also like the idea of small dual round tail lights, similar style to the cbr250rr fireblade of the 80’s. Again that’s a long ways away though. I expect that this is going to be a lot of cleaning, painting, and replacing hardware and wiring. Oh and I need an air box most likely since I don’t really want to mess with pods at all. Any advice or suggestions are welcome, mechanical or aesthetic!