Halloween Costumes?

I'd be interested in hearing where the squid pattern came from if you could find out (and further if she used one)
I am being forced to go to a costume party this saturday. I will be Frank Fritz. Anyone who has met me, knows it won't be much of a stretch.
Beetlejuice and Lydia. I have a great vision in my head, but excution will probably turn out pretty bad. Where have I heard that before?
Last Halloween costume party I went to (a couple of years ago), I went as a Catholic Priest.
The friend that threw the party stipulated that it would be a "kid party" until 9pm. After 9pm, costumes could get as raunchy as you like. I said "No problem, my costume is 'convertible' ;)"

This was pre-9pm...

Catholic Priest, smoking cigar and drinkin bottle of brown liquor labeled "Holy Water".

Post 9pm...

I stuffed some toddler clothes I bought at the thrift store, and made a rig to hang it off the waistband of my pants.
A few years back i was superman in a wheelchair stayed in the chair all night pretty funny that my friends didnt rat me out. anyway on the way home my now wife was pushing me down the hill and i noticed her high heel noise was growing more and more faint and i was picking up speed fast haha i dumped that chair in the street. as i lay in the road i saw the wheel chair on its side one wheel spinning and the side of the building turning red and blue. then the old ladys foot steps.
Mandee to cop:" officer can you help me i cant lift him by my self"
Cop : "is this some kinda sick joke"
Mandee: "he is dead from the wast down, the jokes on me"
Cop kicks me hard in the leg, i bite my lip and act unfazed.
cop to me: "you alright boy"
Me to cop :" im fine and dont call me boy"
At that point the cop rights the chair picks me up by the belt, throws me in the seat.
Cop to me: "i guess get him the hell home"
I shit you not Redbird I have used that same costume.

Brad...way to own the character.
We have a foam-and-felt (with salad bowl headpiece) r2d2 costume shaping up for my 3 year old daughter. Han and Leia will accompany. Pics to follow; this will be very very homespun...
Rich Ard said:
I shit you not Redbird I have used that same costume.

Brad...way to own the character.

yeah i've seen it at a few parties. always a hit hahaha
Since I had to shave and get a proper haircut this fall, I'll be bringing back an old "scares the crap out of old people" favorite...

I have access to an original, real deal, full dress SS officer's uniform. Complete with Luger and ivory handled dress dagger. And it fits.

When my hair is long and I have the full beard, I just have somebody draw on a Charles Manson swastika and go as him.
My wife and I are going to a party tonight. Her and her friends are going to be cast of Devious Maids.
My brother-in-law and I are going as the wonderful duo Milli Vanilli.
rufio said:
My wife and I are going to a party tonight. Her and her friends are going to be cast of Devious Maids.

Pics, or I will hunt you down and kill you!
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