Okay...after cutting the exhausts off and getting the geometry and shock's definitely staying.
Chain clearance was still an issue, and I needed a taller sprocket on the back to get the gearing I want AND maybe help with the chain clearance issue. No one makes 520 sprockets for the VFR hub, though, so I had to improvise. Busted out some Blender and 3D builder and made a guide that let me cut out the center bore of a 44t steel R1 sprocket I had on hand:
This let me lay the R1 sprocket on the bottom with the VFR sprocket on top and then shimmy around the assembly to get them centered. Obviously a solid disk would have been better but my printer doesn't have enough bed space for it. Holes are just to save resin.
After getting it all centered and clamped down I used a razor to score the finish so I know where to cut.
All said it lined up really nice...more so than I honestly expected....I have .008" runout and I was honestly eyeballing the cuts lol. I couldn't do it again.
Aligning the swingarm ended up being simpler than expected. Crammed all the way against the right side of the frame aligns the sprockets and lucky hit there. I did have to make a little spacer to cram into the right side for the bearings to ride with minimal clearance between the frame and swingarm. On the other side I was able to use the stock Shadow spacers...again just lucky. I did not end up having to notch the frame.
Shock mount is done. I'll round it off when I tear the bike back down for paint. The arm has slightly less leverage against the shock here than it did with the first swingarm, but not a great deal less. I think it'll be okay with less preload but I may end up having to get a lighter spring. That'll require sitting down with paper and pencil and doing math...or I might just play it out and see how it feels. Still a little bummed about losing the original layout, I put a lot of time and effort into sorting that thing out, but this is good too.
And again after trimming the exhaust off and seeing the new lines...I like it. A lot.
I want to find some simple can mufflers to go under the tail. Rear cylinder will hook around in front of the backbone and then up under the tail, the front cylinder will go straight back where I had the rear cylinder going before. I'm thinking of getting one of these cheap eBay dual's got a convenient mount already welde up and I can just cut the Y off the back and plumb it all together.
What I'd really like to find, though, is a couple cans like what came with the Devil true duals you use to find on RC51's and TL1000R's..