How NOT to ask a longtime member for help. PLEASE READ THIS.

onetruepunk87 said:
It was from someone else on the forum, the original poster's PM story just reminded me of it. I don't want to call anyone out by name but everyone has already seemed to guess who it was.

Yup, you've been Swivel'd.
Well on a positive note, I asked for help with shipping from the US to Aus . Not only did he ship the item for me, he also repackaged it for a safe journey and all this from someone who has never even met me. Thanks again VonYinzer :)

It seems like a lot of other vertues, patience has been lost in todays society. People need to help each other more often, however more importantly, if people want others to help they need to be greatful for their time and effort when they can spare it :)


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onetruepunk87 said:
I don't want to call anyone out by name but everyone has already seemed to guess who it was.

Yea, that's who I figured it was as well. Just wanted to be sure before I asked...

How many people does Drivel have to harass before he can be banned?
teddpage said:
So a belly pan was stopping this guy from "finishing" his build?

Iono.. he's pretty close.........

If you look for that guy on other forums you'll find every one of his topics look something like...

NEED HELP FAST!!?!?!?!?!
I need help!!!!!!!!
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doesn't ask.. but demands. Meh.. MEH I SAY.
hurley209 said:
So apparently, i received a PM a few days ago while i was out of town or working 1 of my 3 jobs.
and apperantly i didnt reply within the required timeframe i didnt know existed telling him what belly pan i used on my bike which i actually mentioned in one of the bikes threads and even said how i modified it.....
please read. and use this as an example of what not to do.
included is the pm i received and my reply below it.

:mad: :mad: :mad: thank you for taking the time to write me back on the lower chin/fairing, not like im tring to get my bike done and could have used the help. in my book people are fucking assholes u ask people for help but your not willing to give it back

so i guess you took total disregard to me actually having a full time job? or maybe even another job on top of that? because yes i do.... or maybe you didnt think, " hey this guy might be sick or may be having a family emergency",because stuff like that does happen you know, but no you didnt.
I would have been more than happy to help you. But now, you screwed yourself over, why? because you were completely rude, simply because i could not get to my computer fast enough to reply to something i had mentioned on the bikes thread which you were probably to lazy to look through.
Congrats on being a mature adult. youve succeeded amazingly.
Think im the douche bag? .... think again buddy.
hope you enjoy building your bike...

feel free to express your thoughts of this individual who obviously forgot how to use his manners.

Could this be as a result of a Hipster thing?
spazzle102 said:
Cafe to go.. I'm pretty sure your avatar is more disturbing than mine ._.

LOL, watch this and you should be okay, believe me.
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