how to - cafe seat

rocketman said:
I took a trip to lowes looking for that urethane foam. Is it in the insulation section? The only thing i found was pink or blue polystyrene

I found mine at Home depot, it's the big sheets with foil on the sides, the foil peels off easy though. to paraphrase my thoughts on modifying my instructions... if you want to make a cake, don't use sand because you didn't have sugar.
rocketman said:
Rich, Thanks for reposting what all of us already read. I wanted to make sure divot02 did it the same way, which he did not.

No problem! Thanks for explaining why what I said was funny.

Roc City Cafe said:
I found mine at Home depot, it's the big sheets with foil on the sides, the foil peels off easy though. to paraphrase my thoughts on modifying my instructions... if you want to make a cake, don't use sand because you didn't have sugar.

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