I used to wonder how this happend...


Got to keep the loonies on the path...
Barely a year ago I was happy on my one bike. I rode everywhere, even in the rain. I put 3000 miles on it and life was great. Now today I was cleaning out the garage to make more work room for a sick lawn mower, and just because I got tired of walking around stuff. How did I get all this stuff?!


No, it is not for sale. Its all part of my grand theme for world domination...

I needed room for these three projects too. One of them will be done this year I promise..


So all this is going in the back shed where it will be out of the weather, and out of my mind too im sure...

Yup, its all going in here ::)


Damn you craigslist:)

Now I know how this happens! And remember, label everything! You/I WILL forget from whence it came...
Ha, I Know exactly what you mean. I found myself doing the same thing. The parts really do pile up fast. :D
Damn, I feel like I might land in the same boat.. I just barely bought my first bike and i already found another project for only 140 bucks.
E, I'm with ya. I was happy with my one "modern" bike, and then a friend gave me a basketcase of a DS7. With the recent sale of my "modern" bike, I'm down to six bikes here at the homestead. The newest of which is 25 years old. Four of the six were freebies. And currently only one is registered and ridable... and it's the oldest of the bunch at 40 years old. I don't even want to get into the cache of parts that have accumulated. Some purchased and waiting to go onto a bike, most having been removed from a bike and waiting to be repurposed elsewhere.

And then there's the car stuff...
Ha, im sure there's a lot more of us on here that seem to have this bike collecting disease too. But im not complaining! At least of my road bikes they are all titled, and the cb750s are the ony ones I paid more than $100 bucks for. So imI down tothe 7, abd evwn got rid of 2 over the winter... Now that my son is here I can say 2 of them are his and then go get more!
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