If I could have just one custom bike it would be this one.....

Not that I know what it is......

wow that thing is insane. Looks like an ice racer. Because if your on the ice what you REALLY need is a turbo, inter-cooled, 200hp+ motor.
Not really all that one of, but I would love this modern Triton.


Looks like I have a direction for my Tribsa.
grandpaul said:
What's with the fart hole in the seat?

Amazing. I hadn't even noticed that until you pointed it out. I am pathetic. I wonder what that hole is for? Maybe that bike is so rad it can actually scare the shit out of people! Ha.
Imagine your 14th birthday and just got the school permit, you live on a mildly winding farm road and you wake up an see this in the window.


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Tune-A-Fish said:
I missed that 1 I have a few of Rogers signatures on things and that looks like a Decoster sig to me on that # plate.
kenny rogers was fast as fuck
but ya gotta know when ta hold 'em.............
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