Interchangeable seats?


Been Around the Block
Hey whats up guys, I'm new and just learning how to wrench so i'm sure i'll ask a bunch a questions here and there. I picked up my first bike recently and it needs some work here and there, i'll put up a post once i get some decent pics. Anyways, my question is about seats. Because i have a girlfriend, i want to be able to give her a ride once in a while, but i also want a one up seat. any ideas on maybe making two seats that i could switch out? The bike is an 82 CX500
Welcome aboard man. I know a couple people have made convertible seats. Shouldn't be that hard if you're feeling creative. I would try searching two-up seats in this section.
There was one guy that made a great 2 up cafe seat. Can't remember who though. Had the normal cafe hump in the back, but the hump could be removed and a seat pad was underneath. Search around the "seats and tails" section (or whatever it's actually called).
Maybe even look at the current Triumph Thruxton. It has a cowl that fits over the seat, with 2 allen keys I think...
bluemitch said:
Maybe even look at the current Triumph Thruxton. It has a cowl that fits over the seat, with 2 allen keys I think...

Yeah i was actually just looking at the seat, just working out how i'm going to build it :p again any ideas would be great. Its early to be worrying about esthetics when i'm still working on getting it running but its good to have something worked out for when the time comes.

Also a little off topic, i've read a mix of opinions when it comes to replacing the box with pods on the cx's , what do u guys think?
Hey, I'm in the same boat-looking for the cool factor of a solo seat combined with the sexy factor of taking the gf riding. My current plan is a cafe seat that attaches to the frame with a couple of screws hidden under a velcro-on seat pad, so I can pull it off and put the stock seat back on for two-up riding. This wouldn't work on some bikes (seats on hinges could complicate things), but might be an option?
peter.walker said:
Hey, I'm in the same boat-looking for the cool factor of a solo seat combined with the sexy factor of taking the gf riding. My current plan is a cafe seat that attaches to the frame with a couple of screws hidden under a velcro-on seat pad, so I can pull it off and put the stock seat back on for two-up riding. This wouldn't work on some bikes (seats on hinges could complicate things), but might be an option?

It might, but i think i just have it a little harder cuz of the way the cx is built, its got a kink in the seat so it takes a bit more imagination. I might end up trading it for something else now... idk
Wow... I haven't been online here for soooo long... I know this might be an old thread... So I'm not sure if you're done with ur cafe seats yet...
A couple years ago, I posted a thread here for my bike... A 135cc 2 stroke Yamaha...

Anyway, I wanted the same thing you did.. A one-up seat, with the possibility of giving someone a lift..
so I made my seat flat, with the cowl a separate piece, then I attached them together using some sliding mechanism... i was thinking of drawers... u know with those metal ball bearings and what not...

cos I was thinking, if i dismantled my cowl to give a girl a ride home, where do i put it then? i can't hang it or something... so the cowl stays on the bike when its slid back into 2-up. and slides back to 1-up when I'm done.
heres my idea, have the seat with a bump on it but the top of the bump be flat so someone can sit on it, at the back of the bump slope it down, itll look like a cafe seat but have the ability for 2
I did something similar to what others said because I was worried about what I would do if I had a removable piece.
I made a sheet metal sheet and then used the passenger pad to add a little style to the boxy looking seat.


My only complaint is that I made my pad a little to narrow so on long rides my legs get sore so i need to make the pad a little bigger. My girlfriend doesn't mind riding on it at all, but then again she used to ride on the older unfinished bare seat... shes pretty tough.
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