I've had a productive winter


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Most of you guys have been busy building whatever it is that floats your boats. Good on you.

Meanwhile, I've done jack all. Ok I've gotten a little bit done. I painted my helmet. I've had my trusty plain white Shoei for a few years now, and it's served me almost too well. I decided to stop waiting for it to break or fail or do something wrong so I could replace it, plus I was bored to death of the empty canvas look. I procured a can of Spraymax single-stage 2K in gloss black, and enlisted a friend's help to die-cut some vinyl. I came up with the design on a whim, mostly just following the physical features of the helmet. Don't ask me the meaning behind it...let's say "hide the white". A little masking, sanding, cursing and praying and this is the result.




And to force me to never take myself seriously, I photoshopped up this design, and put it front and center. Or top. Whatever, it looks damn ridiculous. His 80s mullety goodness.

On a serious note, I'm continually impressed with Spraymax. Look at that reflection. That is straight from the can, no sanding/buffing. Good stuff...course it should be for $25 a can.
Oh no Rich, she's getting worn until something bad happens or she reaches the official "expiration" date. :) 5 years from manufacture date I think it is? I'll have to look it up.

I know manufacturers warn about painting and stickers, but being that it's made from fiberglass and resin, neither of which are really affected by urethane in other applications, I think it's almost entirely CYA dribble from the manufacturers. Their liability insurance must be sky high as it is! ;D
Well now you're just indestructible.

Maybe we need a Chuck Norris DTT logo mash-up ;)
THIS!! We need more people taking themselves less seriously!! Look out Mr. Rossi, there's a new game in town!!
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