Kartoon Korner!

carnivorous chicken said:
Circle jerks by definition are not one-sided. You gotta have more than one! "Socialist trump hate" is a good one, as though if you don't agree with the idiot in chief you must be socialist, right? You know what socialism is, right?

I remember the hate on this site for the president duing the last administration, some of it racist and leading to bans of a few notorious characters. I'm actually surprised that with the Swede's vocal racism and xenophobia he hasn't found himself banned as well.

But like I've said, if you don't wanna read it, don't read it.

Im not a xenophobe, i know the ones i hate extremely well. And what they are capable of. Europeans are being murdered daily by "refugees" and i REFUSE to shut up about it.
I have no reason accepting this and shutting up. We have no obligation to let MENA turds well in to europe without protecting our borders, thankfully spain and italy are now closing their ports for traffickers. You know whats really Sick? The swedish coast guard have vessels in the mediterranean since a few years, picking up migrants and letting them off on malta with paid flight tickets straight to sweden. I refuse to shut up about this, a civil war is being manufactured in europe and i will not let that happen quietly.
No matter what crap you insane liberal pc mongers try to shove down our throats.
If we had any control of who is entering and leaving our nation i would be the first to say refugees welcome, but our politicians have absolutely no clue. Thousands of police officers have quit because because the goverment has made their job impossible and too dangerous to be acceptable, crime is rampant, daily shootings, daily rapes. Cases regularly get dropped because of lack of resources. Citizens using violence in self defence against migrant gangs get imprisoned to the harshest possible sentence, while robbers and rapists walk. You have absolutely zero idea.
"I'm not a xenophobe! Here's why I hate foreigners..."

Classic stuff.

Kudos so Sweden for aiding in the resettlement of refugees who are fleeing death and war, and dying in the Mediterranean.

It's unfortunate that anyone believes and spreads the far right's lies about them, fueled by xenophobia and racism.
stroker crazy said:
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck ...

A fact free rant.

I said i know very well who i hate and for what. You can very well come and explain to me what is happen in My country, i mean you have to know better than me, because?
carnivorous chicken said:
"I'm not a xenophobe! Here's why I hate foreigners..."

Classic stuff.

Kudos so Sweden for aiding in the resettlement of refugees who are fleeing death and war, and dying in the Mediterranean.

It's unfortunate that anyone believes and spreads the far right's lies about them, fueled by xenophobia and racism.

You do not know what is happening here so please, just stop. You cannot make me stop wanting to protect my country from this shit. If all was good and well and noone was being murdered and raped any more than usual it would not show up in all news channels daily. Again you have zero clue as to what is happening here, maybe you should be our new prime minister?
datadavid said:
Sure, i quit when they stop mass importing terrorist scum. Deal?

Why don't you go find a forum with other like minded crazies? I don't understand why you enjoy hanging out on here, you haven't had a useful thing to say about motorcycle or building anything since 2015. Surely there's a forum somewhere in the dark corners of the internet that you would fit into and you guys can just talk shit back and forth about how much you hate people.
Surely by now you have noticed that you're the only one here who says shit like this?

Every time I see your posts I feel like someone let Hitler through the gate.
SONIC. said:
Why don't you go find a forum with other like minded crazies? I don't understand why you enjoy hanging out on here, you haven't had a useful thing to say about motorcycle or building anything since 2015. Surely there's a forum somewhere in the dark corners of the internet that you would fit into and you guys can just talk shit back and forth about how much you hate people.
Surely by now you have noticed that you're the only one here who says shit like this?

Every time I see your posts I feel like someone let Hitler through the gate.
Hitler was all about silencing dissidents, like you want to.
datadavid said:
Hitler was all about silencing dissidents, like you want to.

If you want to go out in the streets of sweden and protest what's happening, or write letters to those in power, or do literally anything productive at all I'm all for it. Have at it.

But posting your racist bullshit all over a motorcycle forum is hardly "dissenting" it's just being an asshole.
Its actually not that uncommon to like custom bikes and absolutely abhor third world mass migration. More People should try it, instead of being mindless cucks. Most people ultimately change their minds when someone close gets murdered by f.ex afghans(who are grossly over represented in violence and sex crimes here) who have zero rights being here in the first place. Our scandinavian army chiefs are starting to see this as a military issue, and their opinion is better informed than Yours.
datadavid said:
Its actually not that uncommon to like custom bikes and absolutely abhor third world mass migration. More People should try it, instead of being mindless cucks. Most people ultimately change their minds when someone close gets murdered by f.ex afghans(who are grossly over represented in violence and sex crimes here) who have zero rights being here in the first place. Our scandinavian army chiefs are starting to see this as a military issue, and their opinion is better informed than Yours.

I'm not there, I don't particularly have an opinion.
All I'm saying is keep your anti islam racist shit to yourself or share it with like minded people. Because this is not the place for it.
SONIC. said:
If you want to go out in the streets of sweden and protest what's happening, or write letters to those in power, or do literally anything productive at all I'm all for it. Have at it.

But posting your racist bullshit all over a motorcycle forum is hardly "dissenting" it's just being an asshole.
How many times are you super good and great human beings going to call me a racist asshole before you understand it has no effect at all? They have tried to silence us that way for years, and its not working anymore. Im just sick of you pc worms patting each others backs and think you are so f****g excellent while innocent people are being murdered because of your "humanitarian" posturing.
SONIC. said:
I'm not there, I don't particularly have an opinion.
All I'm saying is keep your anti islam racist shit to yourself or share it with like minded people. Because this is not the place for it.
Islam is an evil death cult. Try to convince me otherwise. We have half a million here, 50 000 of which are openly radical. The rest silently approves of killing of the 'kuffari'.
Historically all nations who get an islamic population above 10% suffer bloody civil wars. Since they cant stop killing jews and christians.
datadavid said:
Islam is an evil death cult. Try to convince me otherwise. We have half a million here, 50 000 of which are openly radical. The rest silently approves of killing of the 'kuffari'.
Historically all nations who get an islamic population above 10% suffer bloody civil wars. Since they cant stop killing jews and christians.

I honestly feel sorry for you. I have lived and worked in the largest Muslim country, among others, and continue to work with Muslims, and you have not. Islam is not an "evil death cult" -- I survived the experience. As with any group of people -- Buddhists, Catholics, Protestants, Hindus -- there are evil people who misinterpret their religion. A tiny fraction of Catholics murder doctors? Evil death cult. Buddhists in Burma murder Muslims? Evil death cult. Your made up statistics -- maybe you made them up, maybe you are copying someone else who made them up -- are not true. I have researched and published on the subject of Islamist extremism; I know what I am talking about. You do not.

Speaking of knowing what one is talking about, just because you live in Sweden does not give you a monopoly on knowledge about Sweden, and mean that others do not know what they are talking about. There are lying zealots in Sweden who stoke fear of immigrants -- as you are and you do here -- but luckily not many people believe them. There is good reporting by reputable sources that tells the truth about Sweden, but there is also bad and misleading news. SVT, for example, reported last year that 58% of rapes were committed by those born abroad. But there are thousands of rape cases that do not mention ethnicity that were ignored, and there was a recent redefinition of rape that caused a spike in the number of crimes that were reported as rape. We've had this conversation, and I have pointed you to this information, with cites. As with any subject, if you choose to only pay attention to sources that validate your pre-existing (racist, xenophobic) biases, then you will think they are reputable.

As an aside, I also love that you have adopted the terminology of the paranoid right wing too: cucks, "pc mongers" (although I think that might be particular to you), etc.

In the past, you have openly expressed your fondness for Hitler on this forum. After declaring that you are"preparing a war of complete annihilation against islam in europe" a couple posts ago, you now tell people that you won't be silenced (?) because that's what Hitler did. Let's be honest: you're sitting behind a keyboard typing out threats. Perhaps someone should have a look at you because you are clearly pathological.

Me? I'm just looking forward to you calling me a "bitch" or whatever other term you can come up with.
carnivorous chicken said:
I honestly feel sorry for you. I have lived and worked in the largest Muslim country, among others, and continue to work with Muslims, and you have not. Islam is not an "evil death cult" -- I survived the experience. As with any group of people -- Buddhists, Catholics, Protestants, Hindus -- there are evil people who misinterpret their religion. A tiny fraction of Catholics murder doctors? Evil death cult. Buddhists in Burma murder Muslims? Evil death cult. Your made up statistics -- maybe you made them up, maybe you are copying someone else who made them up -- are not true. I have researched and published on the subject of Islamist extremism; I know what I am talking about. You do not.

Speaking of knowing what one is talking about, just because you live in Sweden does not give you a monopoly on knowledge about Sweden, and mean that others do not know what they are talking about. There are lying zealots in Sweden who stoke fear of immigrants -- as you are and you do here -- but luckily not many people believe them. There is good reporting by reputable sources that tells the truth about Sweden, but there is also bad and misleading news. SVT, for example, reported last year that 58% of rapes were committed by those born abroad. But there are thousands of rape cases that do not mention ethnicity that were ignored, and there was a recent redefinition of rape that caused a spike in the number of crimes that were reported as rape. We've had this conversation, and I have pointed you to this information, with cites. As with any subject, if you choose to only pay attention to sources that validate your pre-existing (racist, xenophobic) biases, then you will think they are reputable.

As an aside, I also love that you have adopted the terminology of the paranoid right wing too: cucks, "pc mongers" (although I think that might be particular to you), etc.

In the past, you have openly expressed your fondness for Hitler on this forum. After declaring that you are"preparing a war of complete annihilation against islam in europe" a couple posts ago, you now tell people that you won't be silenced (?) because that's what Hitler did. Let's be honest: you're sitting behind a keyboard typing out threats. Perhaps someone should have a look at you because you are clearly pathological.

Me? I'm just looking forward to you calling me a "bitch" or whatever other term you can come up with.
Dont feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for the numbers of rape statistics which are real human beings, that you are juggling around to prove what? If you would have lived her for say the last 20-30 years, which you have not, you would have witnessed first hand the derangement of a society pretty well developed, with relatively rare occasions of lethal violence, low levels of organized crime, terror did not exist, rape was not in the newspapers every god damn day like it is now - to a deranged madhouse with rapidy deteriorating law enforcement. Im sorry but you cannot speak of the development here and what causes it. Cool that you love muslims and defend their way of life, i am actually employed by one of those muslim dogs and dont hate the guy. Al amoudi, one of those oil sheikhs. Invests billions in sweden. Sure, some are civilized, but the kind of shit we get here you have to see to believe. I guess you can mention a thing or two about the differences in judicial systems between your darling muslim countries and our secular judicial system here in the west. It seems a lot of the behavior we get from these people is because they dont get killed, maimed, beaten or thrown in a hole to rot if they pull what they do here on people - in their home countries. They get cushy vacations, then back out to terrorize the living shit out of whatever small swedish town they choose to stay in. People are fed up. This anti immigrant right wing wave does Not come from xenophobia. It does not spring from extremist propaganda machines. It comes from a broad base of people experiencing abuse from another be it alien group of people. It comes from the testimonies of thousands and thousands of swedes getting beaten, harassed, robbed, raped and abused in the street by migrant gangs basically. If we didnt get that shit here migrants would ve happy and have a great reputation.
Now they do not. To a lot of people they are nothing but trouble, and costing billions annualy at that. This is not something made up by paranoid right wing maniacs, this is ordinary people waking up wondering what the hell we have done.
I hate to get involved in this but...... I did a little research after reading this discussion. According to what I read, Sweden does definitely have a problem with the refugee population which has settled in the country. Crime has increased greatly since the large influx of refugee immigrants during 2014-2016. The majority of this increase was against women. I personally feel that most refugee's should be met with open arms, but their backgrounds should be investigated thoroughly before they are allowed in the country. Now I don't live in Sweden and have never been there, I really don't know much about their society. So I feel perhaps we should not be so quick to judge David ........ even if his remarks appear to some to be racial in nature.
dewjantim said:
I hate to get involved in this but...... I did a little research after reading this discussion. According to what I read, Sweden does definitely have a problem with the refugee population which has settled in the country. Crime has increased greatly since the large influx of refugee immigrants during 2014-2016. The majority of this increase was against women. I personally feel that most refugee's should be met with open arms, but their backgrounds should be investigated thoroughly before they are allowed in the country. Now I don't live in Sweden and have never been there, I really don't know much about their society. So I feel perhaps we should not be so quick to judge David ........ even if his remarks appear to some to be racial in nature.
Im seriously not making this shit up. That wonderful spectacular superb human being can say what he wants to. It wont change a thing.
Race, culture, whatever, uncontrolled migration is destroying sweden right now, not helping in any way.
I never argued that sweden didn't have an immigrant issue, all I said was I'm tired of seeing it expressed in terms like this:

"i am actually employed by one of those muslim dogs"
"Islam is an evil death cult"
We are preparing a war of complete annihilation against islam in europe."
"The insane indian godhead person just won give up. Yo! Bobs vagene! Stay in your dirty fucking turd world village and stop bothering us with your hindu shit!"
"If "tolerance" means extinction of europeans in favor of followers of Islam - then FUCK tolerance!!"

You can have a civil conversation about the wrongs going on in your country. This guy just doesn't know how.


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datadavid said:
i am actually employed by one of those muslim dogs and dont hate the guy. Al amoudi, one of those oil sheikhs.

Cool. How about this? Man up, stop being a tough guy keyboard jockey, go to your boss tomorrow and call him a muslim dog. Tell him you are preaparing to annihilate all the Muslims in Europe. Tell him Islam is an evil death cult. Do it! Remember: you're tough! You're right! He's a member of a death cult that needs to be annihilated! Better yet -- stop being a hypocrite and working for him. Don't you feel dirty for taking the "muslim dog's" money? How can you live with yourself?

Oh wait -- you've posted that you are a Swedish farmer. A Swedish farmer working for a Saudi/Ethiopian oil magnate? How exactly does that work?

dewjantim said:
So I feel perhaps we should not be so quick to judge David ........ even if his remarks appear to some to be racial in nature.

Dewjantim -- it is really easy to find the kind of bullshit reporting in Sweden that is fearmongering (through a google search, for example). Careful, more in-depth research shows you that it is false or misleading. Nobody is saying immigrants don't commit crimes, but if a crime happens and someone then denigrates a whole class of people, you should question that. It's similar to Americans complaining about immigrants commiting crimes in the US. Statistics show that they actually commit fewer crimes per capita, but because they are immigrants they get more attention. This is true in Sweden as well.

And if you think we are being quick to "judge David," please read his racist and xenophobic comments over the last couple of years. If you're cool with that, that's a shame. Me? I don't tolerate racism and I'm happy to call it out (and make fun of) racists.
carnivorous chicken said:
Cool. How about this? Man up, stop being a tough guy keyboard jockey, go to your boss tomorrow and call him a muslim dog. Tell him you are preaparing to annihilate all the Muslims in Europe. Tell him Islam is an evil death cult. Do it! Remember: you're tough! You're right! He's a member of a death cult that needs to be annihilated! Better yet -- stop being a hypocrite and working for him. Don't you feel dirty for taking the "muslim dog's" money? How can you live with yourself?

Oh wait -- you've posted that you are a Swedish farmer. A Swedish farmer working for a Saudi/Ethiopian oil magnate? How exactly does that work?

Dewjantim -- it is really easy to find the kind of bullshit reporting in Sweden that is fearmongering (through a google search, for example). Careful, more in-depth research shows you that it is false or misleading. Nobody is saying immigrants don't commit crimes, but if a crime happens and someone then denigrates a whole class of people, you should question that. It's similar to Americans complaining about immigrants commiting crimes in the US. Statistics show that they actually commit fewer crimes per capita, but because they are immigrants they get more attention. This is true in Sweden as well.

And if you think we are being quick to "judge David," please read his racist and xenophobic comments over the last couple of years. If you're cool with that, that's a shame. Me? I don't tolerate racism and I'm happy to call it out (and make fun of) racists.
Again, you dont know shit and is a tiny little asshole.
Things can be in many ways at the same time. 'Muslim dog' was just to rile you up like 90% of what i say, because i genuinely despise "good guys" like you who think you are doing the world a favor.
I believe muslims and 90% of the recent migrants shall be driven by force out of europe. They are paving the way for this themselves, nothing you can do or say about it. Statistics ate rather skewed in FAVOR of migrants here, it is official conduct to specifically make them look like a godsend. Media cant and wont even report on migrant crime, for many years the lid has been on tightly. Just now it is starting to blow off and we are starting to get real numbers. Courts have not been allowed to gather statistics on migrant crime. I am telling you they are grossly overrepresented in crimes that were relatively non existent before their arrival in big Numbers, and you are so deeply arrogant and stupid that your only reply is RIGHT WING LIES PROPAGANDA RACISM BOO FUCKING HOO.
i own a farm, i weld pipes for Mohamed al amoudi(who is not a terrorist nut job and therefore alright), and i want religious muslim fucktards out of our country,and stop making demands for Us to adjust to Them.
You know, you can combine alot of contradictions in your head and still live a somewhat healthy life. You on the other hand have a contrived, bullying little intellect disguised as some humanitarian holier than thou excrement. I despise this. Of course i would take up guns and kill off these people if they try taking over. Its my only home. Those fuckers can always go home and rebuild. We are paying billions in support to their shithole countries anyway, only to have them come here and turn sweden into a shithole.
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