KZ550 bob/Cafe almost there!!!


Over 1,000 Posts
Well, I thought it would take me a while and after seeing all the other masterpieces on here I thought I would share my project, and where it is at so far. So, here goes:

I bought this bike from a guy who said he had gotten it from a couple of guys that attempted to chop it. I'll have to say it must not have been him because it wasn't running when I picked it up for 250 bucks. Got her back to the shop and cleaned the carbs and fixed a few electrical mishaps and she fired right up...Gotta love the non-points setup for ignition! Took her for a quick swing around the back parking lot, faster than I thought she would be. And the next day I spent a few hours completely disassembling the entire bike. I've been working on it slowly as the weeks progress and am so far very happy with the results! So without too much more babbling...heres a few pictures.


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Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

A couple more posts to catch you all up...


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Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

I think 2 more posts should do! The last pic shows that I got rid of a lot of the tabs on there.


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Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

Last one for now. I went and had the frame blasted so I didn't have to work around all the paint...makes it easier to weld things too... I've got quite a few more pics of the motor, but I'll save that for later I guess.
Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

Pretty cool man!! Diggin on the seat setup. Keep the updates comin!
Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

Nice! I like how you dealt with the funky 80's frame on your bike.
Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

Pretty cool work you have going there! That brake light is SICK!
Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

Thanks a lot guys. Twisted, that's just the BEGINNING!!! haha. I've got a lot more in store for that brake setup. Here's what I got accomplished in the past few hours. Got the bike back "together" so I can finally start on the bodywork. Then I started on the gas tank....this has been repainted a few times....found some big dents which kinda sucks, but what do ya expect for a nearly 30 year old bike eh? And I threw in a pic of my purple area now...because that tank was a lot of pink bondo and the purple paint..and blue paint...heh.


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Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

Well, I'm off to the shop to get some work done this Sunday! I'll start snapping pics as I go!
Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

Ok here's a few pictures of what I've got started so far. If anyone feels like "weighing in" on what looks better I definitely wouldn't mind thoughts. If you look at my previous pictures, I left the frame rails out in the open and didn't cover them with the tailpiece. This one here (so far) I have made it cover them. I am not finished trimming etc...the tail is longer than it's supposed to be but I did that so I wouldn't have too small a workpiece. I'm going to keep trimming this particular piece so it more closely resembles the original, but can make another if I end up liking this version better.
Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

And here it is trimmed up with it "inside" the rail


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Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

Here's a closer look at being finished. I've got to weld in a few supports between the two hoops on the rear so that I can get the tail to lay they way I want it to. Onto that next.
Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

i think you're going in a good direction. looks a lot like what i am imagining for mine. tail light is really clean. what will you do for turns? ive been trying to think of something slick like that for the front turns
Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

Well, I was thinking before that I wouldn't have turns because we don't need to have them in Minnesota. BUT, I've found that there is some space next to the tail light when I just use the one red one in the center, after I post my pictures up, I'll toss those in and you can see what I was thinking. As for the fronts, I'll mock something up for ya for those too.
Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

Here's the pics of the next part. It's not exactly how it's going to be (the bolts holding it in that is) but it will be similar. First I welded in a couple of bar stock to hold the sides in the way I wanted them. Then drilled out some places for securing it. I was going to weld it all up to the frame before and now I've decided I want it removable.
Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

Here's a few pictures of those blinkers the way I thought I might use them. Now the strands of LED lights I bought can be cut after the 4th or 5th led (can't remember) So it won't be 3 full times around on the front blinker as shown in the pic. But that gives you an idea of what you could do with them. For the rear, I will put it below the bar and each blinker would be half way and join at the top (I would melt them together)
Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

A very productive Sunday I think. I couldn't help myself...I started to polish the tail already...needs a LOT of work though. And the last pic is where she sits now.
Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

Starting to clean up the rear tonight as I have some time right now. Thinking of tossing these on the outside to clean the look up a bit. Not a finished piece yet but It's an idea.
Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

I think this is about right. Getting more of the look I wanted, and I polished it on this side for a few more minutes.
Re: KZ550 bob/chop/cafe? <---all of the above so far...

Beautiful. I love the simplicity. very nice job!
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