LOL! neighbors...


Coast to Coast
my nextdoor neighbors... jesus. theyre so weird ad nosey. always watching what im doing when im outside with my dog. its a big weird guy who wears overalls everyday, his wife who talks like elmer fudd and, either the big guys son, or his lil brother (we dont know really) live in the house. they ALL work at meijer (its like walmart out in the midwest)

i never see the big guy talk but i hear him bitching about something in their house time to time. the 20 year old has a black geo tracker that looks like a pile of rust and garbage and one day i was working on a bike and he came over bragging to me about how hes worked on cars for 17 years, and how he did all the custom work on his tracker himself...sweet dude.

anyway, you know i bought that 1974 cl125 last year and it wasnt running at all. tank gunked up and rusted, carbs complete shit, bad petcock and few other minor things.

ive been working on it little by little and now i got it running and i get it to kick everytime, and ride it, just gotta figure out the idle.

anyway, today (around 7pm, still really bright and sunny out) i kicked it up, revved it for a min (if i let it idle it dies) then took it down the street for the first time, usually i kept it in my driveway just turning around back and forth, but today decided to take its first little spin around the block.

got it up to about 35mph in 3rd (im in a residential neighborhood) and it felt REALLY smooth and awesome. felt great!!

i pull back in my driveway and cut the engine. as soon as i do i hear a faint "ricka fricka racka fucking ricka bricka fucking" followed by "rinnnnng ding ding ding ding rinnnng" (sounds of my motorcycle revving)

complaining about me starting my motorcycle up in MY driveway during daylight...

i stood there in amazement and yelled "are you serious right now? i hope youre serious!"

so they can be up at anytime doing bullshit to their piece of shit trucks blairing shitty music out of their garage and being nosey as fuck, but im not allowed to start a 125cc bike up in my driveway...

ridiculous. i hope next time i work on it they call the cops, just so the cops can scratch their heads when they get there as to why these friggin retards called them there.

next time i see them outside im gonna stand outside and make motorcycle nosies with my mouth.
You sure they were bitching about the noise? I obviously can't hear tone, but my guess would have been that they were making fun of you for riding a metric or a bike under 1200 cc or some shit. I mean, once you've pushed a tricked out tracker, a 450 just seems like a little girl's toy, right? ;)

Anyway, I feel for you dude. When I started reading, I thought "damn, Mike must live two doors down from me and we share a neighbor." Then I got o the part where they are assholes. My neighbors are always tinkering with some crap, but as a result I can get away with anything.

Actually the previous residents in my house were 12 'transient' laborers (750 square feet) and before that it was a "massage parlor" that got occasional surprise visits from the cops. In this situation, I'd have to something seriously obnoxious to piss off the neighbors.

Have fun with the Fudd family!

probably bitching about the noise. cause there was some muffled yelling before the rev noises.

they could be making fun of my teeny little jap crap bike too, cause they dont own motorcycles at all and of course harleys are the supreme of anything motorcycling ::)

but more than likely bitching about me and the bike firing up. it IS kinda loud. almost 2stroke-ish sounding, but not the same pitch. who knows. sucks cause now i feel like im not allowed to do anything without being hated by all my neighbors.

they really dont have any grounds to call the cops though, right? i mean im working on a bike that i own in MY driveway during sunlight hours. and i had it running for maybe a total of 10 minutes.
oh yeah forgot to mention they had thier christmas lights on their gutter and a light up reindeer on display until early april, not only did they leave them up, they had them LIT sometimes.

and its not like i live in a shitty area. the area is actually really snooty and upscale (my car insurance dropped $50/month just by moving to this area cause its that nice)

these people are just idiots.
mikeadamstattoo said:
oh yeah forgot to mention they had thier christmas lights on their gutter and a light up reindeer on display until early april, not only did they leave them up, they had them LIT sometimes.

Oh, you didn't need to mention that, it was implied.

As for legality, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Out here in the Ace Deuce (makes Ann Arbor sound a little more hip), most noise ordinances only apply between 10PM and 7AM. The only exception would be if Snootyville has special rules about vehicle noise to deal with thumper cars or loud pipes. Even then it's hard to imagine your bike would be a problem unless you've got glasspacks or something.

Only thing I'd think about is 1) whether you want to make friends with the local yokels and 2) whether they're dangerous, i.e. pissing them off could get your shit broen. My guess is that's a double negatory.

Idiots indeed.
well im nice to the wife that talks funny. if i see her outside i always wave and say hi. im generally a nice guy. just cause im heavily tattooed and my ears are stretched to 1" people think im some mean crazy asshole.

i wont say anything to they guy if i see him this time, maybe he was having a bad day and was blowing off steam by bitching to his family about me starting a bike up? but next time, im def gonna have a talk with him.
only problem could be operating on public highway without insurance, licence, tag, etc. (public highway could be anywhere public have access to)
If you got all that your good to go
If he realy pisses you off, wait until the next time he yells at his wife and call in a domestic disturbance. ;D
Man... Thats bullshit Mike. Fuckin rednecks.
When I moved into my last place (in the middle of bible thumpin, republican, whitebread USA) I actually overheard my middle aged neighbor say, "did you see those tattoos? I wonder if he just got out of jail or something" to the other clucking hen she was with. I own a Beaver County Jail (the actual county I live in) T-Shirt (friends with a guard, relax), so you can guess what I was wearing the next time I saw them in the yard. They actually ended up being pretty cool, but...
haha, next time theyre complaining about the noise call the cops on them for making
mikeadamstattoo said:
oh yeah forgot to mention they had thier christmas lights on their gutter and a light up reindeer on display until early april, not only did they leave them up, they had them LIT sometimes.

ha, i've still go mine up and LIT.

Too lazy to get in the attic and pull the plug.
they'd hate living next to me, I hate hypocrite neighbors when it comes to noise.. I bet my baja bug could proably go further in the mud then their tracker lol
my neighbors on my left are great people. On my right there used to be these asshole brits that i always got into fights with, and had called the police on when tehy parked a fucking u-haul truck on my fuckign sidewalk. the fricken guy was cursing at me in front of an officer. i was 15 at the time. he was 27.

got him so good one time while watering my backyard... *woops* accidently just hosed his motherfucking ass.

they later moved out (thank god). and i dont really know my knew neighbors. two doors down my neighbor is a good friend of mine, a rider himself, and a mechanic. hes somewhat sketchy at times, but otherwise a decent person.

my block is pretty moto-friendly. theres 5 mods down the block and three or four other riders.

man if my neighbors were like yours i would do everything thats legal that could piss em off. let them step onto your property then call the cops on em for trespassing.

Id be afraid though. a tricked out tracker can haul some serious ass. ;D ;D ::) ::)
eh, there's an easy way to get rid of them, next time they're in the yard and you see a big truck coming down the street, just yell, "HEY, THERE'S PAT ROBERTSON ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STREET!!"

done and done
OR... take another approach, buy a 12-pack of cheap ass beer and the next time you see redneck over-all guy, yell out "Hey Neighbor, ya want a cold one?" (and smile).
Hold a beer out in front of you and mosey over to meet him. He will instinctivley walk toward the free beer. Now pace yourself so you meet half way on neutral ground and hand it to him, don't open it for him, make him work for it. (interaction)
After the first one tell him to come have another... then sit on your front porch and act all Chummy-chummy, it won't kill either one of you. After 3 or so grab ALL the rest of the beer and walk over to your bike and do the stare, sip, stare routine that we all do. Now crack open two and hold one out for him.
Trust me he WILL follow... ask him what he would do with ______ (pick something easy, like color) and get the juices flowing in him. Even if he says pink with purple poke-a-dots agree that might be cool. Just get him thinking his input matters and you WANT his opinion.
After the 12 are gone, you and your bike wont so bad to him any more.

*NOTE* Do NOT try this with Whiskey, it makes Rednecks fuckin MEAN and want to beat the shit out of something... you will be the first thing he sees.
Hoosier Daddy said:
OR... take another approach, buy a 12-pack of cheap ass beer and the next time you see redneck over-all guy, yell out "Hey Neighbor, ya want a cold one?" (and smile).
Hold a beer out in front of you and mosey over to meet him. He will instinctivley walk toward the free beer. Now pace yourself so you meet half way on neutral ground and hand it to him, don't open it for him, make him work for it. (interaction)
After the first one tell him to come have another... then sit on your front porch and act all Chummy-chummy, it won't kill either one of you. After 3 or so grab ALL the rest of the beer and walk over to your bike and do the stare, sip, stare routine that we all do. Now crack open two and hold one out for him.
Trust me he WILL follow... ask him what he would do with ______ (pick something easy, like color) and get the juices flowing in him. Even if he says pink with purple poke-a-dots agree that might be cool. Just get him thinking his input matters and you WANT his opinion.
After the 12 are gone, you and your bike wont so bad to him any more.

*NOTE* Do NOT try this with Whiskey, it makes Rednecks fuckin MEAN and want to beat the shit out of something... you will be the first thing he sees.

Beer does wonders at bridging gaps... oh and thanks for calming the fires with some REAL insight
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