Looking for a tail light/plate bracket in Ontario


Looking for a different tail light and plate holder for my XS650. I hate ordering from the states cus shit takes forever and the border fees cost a fortune.

Anyone know of a supplier in ontario?
We ship to Canada all the time with USPS and its pretty quick and no fees. Make sure its shipped as a gift =)

siriusconinc.com is in Canada though.
Search PartsCanada.com 's catalogues espescially the 2012 FatBook, find what you want then go and order it from any cycle shop, or Harley dealership. They can have it for you in a day or two and the price isn't that bad when you consider you are not paying for shipping.

Some Harley parts department have a reasonable supply of aftermarket stuff on hand that doesn't have Harley emblems all over it. I used my local Honda Powerhouse to order from Parts Canada usually next day available.
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