Love the hump.


No quarter given, none taken.
So, your bike doesn't have a kick start. The rear wheel is of a smaller diameter than the front. And horror of horrors, the back of the frame is NOT straight! What are you gonna do? I'm in the same situation myself. Done some stuff to it that I really liked. Never really loved the bike as a whole though. Always something bugging me about the way the bike looks. I chopped the frame and got rid of a lot of hump but, it's still sorta there. I eventually have to face the fact that my bike will never be one of the cool café racer kids. It's not really old or obscure, doesn't have any historical significance, and I've already chopped on it once.
I probably just need to work on the way the bike flows to my eye. And this may be the perfect opportunity. I was going to do the top end seals/ head gaskets. Well, the last head bolt under the main spar is frozen. The motor has to come out, in order for me to get to the offending bolt out with an impact driver. (Hopefully.)
I see this as an opportunity. This will give me the chance to at least make the frame one color of black. Or not. With the bike in pieces, I can start fresh. Work with the shape. Love the hump.

P.S. Looking at some old pictures came across of the initial build not hating the rear fender what do you all think?


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Maybe different bars? To go along with a rear fender of some sort. Not totally sold on these but they're WAY more comfortable.


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Not really set on cafe, I've always considered it more brat style than anything. I suppose if I really wanted to I could cafe it. But, I am of the mind that a cafe racer should be as advertised. A racer, or at least fast. I'm thinking bratstyle because of the smaller wheel in the back. Again, I'm just playing with different looks to see what fits the bike best. Other people's opinions are more than welcome, and appreciated. If someone sees me doing unsafe or stupid let me know! Cool avatar always been my favorite bird!
Well shit, this bikes a bigger POS than I thought. Went to remove the clutch cable, had to do a little wrestling with it cause the nuts were frozen. And well, long story short the cable mount on the case snapped off! Not the biggest loss in the world as those cases were kinda fucked up any way. But that motor ran really well! Fuck!!!! To be honest, I'm kinda surprised that I didn't freak the fuck out. Time for another motor? Time for something different? Got a lot of really nice parts on the bike now. But I been riding this horse for almost a decade. Not sure what the next move is gonna be. Oh well.
if you are going cafe style, ditch the bars. If bratstyle narrow the bars and consider a smaller tank?
Well, after I cooled off a bit I figure I could fab up something on the frame to hold the clutch cable. And well, shit it ain't ever gonna be fast. Might as well order up a hardtail kit. This should be fun. The only bad part is I'll be without a bike for a good chunk of, if not all of riding season. Time for another build thread. :D
When I broke the clutch cable mount off the bike the other day, being the reactionary asshole that I am, I thought it was mounted to the case itself. It's not, it's part of the clutch cover. Good news, I get to ride this year. Providing I get the last headbolt out. I figure I can clean her up, ride her this season. And start collecting parts for a serious bobber project over the winter. I told the wife it was either that or I start racing circle track again. ;) The bike idea won, go figure. I'll try to do a little something like this for now.


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Like that bike you posted. It's got a wrenchmonkees look to it. Here's a picture of my brat/tracker/cafe mutt project


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Just a little update to let you guys know how much you rule! Got my Irwin bolt extractor in the mail the other day. Had to grind the wrench flats off so it would fit in the access hole. Mixed up some ATF and acetone and...


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Sorry about the lack of progress. Got some stuff goin on in my life, not all good. Finally able to take some time to get the motor cleaned up for reassembly. I doubt it has been this clean since 1983. Gonna keep it simple so far as I may be going for a major life change, and I will be needing the bike. And not having a lot of disposable income in the near future. :'( Shit happens. Got my bike all is gonna be okay.


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Sorry been gone so long. Left the wife lived in abject poverty for a bit. Got an apartment, started to sorta get my shit straightened out. We got back together at some point, now I'm back home again. In the middle of all the drama, I found three bolt holes in the cylinder head that need to be heli coiled. Got the kit, going to take some time off here pretty quick and get it done. I've got some stuff done on the bike and will be posting pictures soon. Good to be back on the best forum ever.
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