Mail Order Salvage Yards


Been Around the Block
I've been looking for a replacement fuel tank for my '68 CB 350, but haven't had much luck. Mostly everything that comes up on ebay is rusted out, or it looks like someone took a baseball bat to it.
I'm from the Northeast and salvage yards are few and far between. I've seen a lot of postings here referring to amazing yards in the west. Does anyone know of any salvage yards that does mail order? I've tried contacting the Bike Bone Yard in Montana, but can't seem to get a response.
Crap, I can't find it right now, but there is an online Parts finder. You put your info in and it shoots it out over the net to all kinds of different places. Finding parts for a Seca 900 was tough, but this site came up as a pretty good source. I'd receive several reply's for every part I needed...

I think this might be it..
these guys are in my area give 'em a call
Bob's Salvage (not Bob's the Harley dude) in Phoenix (on Elwood) is pretty good about that stuff -- I get my stuff in person but I know they sell online and over the phone. They might have the tank, worth a call.
Try these guys, they have the ebay store, a really crappy web store, and two brick and mortar stores. In person, you'd want to shoot them, they may be tolerable online.
Generation Cycles in Perris, Ca.

Just Google them and it'll bring you to a website and they mail order too.
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