Make your bike a STAR!


"Long after I rest, my steel will live on"
Hey everyone... As many of you know, I recently acquired a Job at a popular film car company in Manhattan. we go by the name of Cooper Classic Cars.

Here is our website...

In short, we are always looking to add cars and motorcycles to our database so that we have access to them when a shoot comes up. Most are stationary photoshoots, but once in a while movie scenes and things require the bikes/cars to be driven. All you really have to do is show up for the day, and hang out. It's easy money, and its fun.

Now, if you are interested you can add the vehicles you have yourself using this webpage...

It's pretty straightforward. Our site is a little buggy, so at times it wont go through, especially if there is a lot of traffic. If you can't understand the page you can also email us pictures with your information and we can add them ourselves, but that is a lot of work for me since I already have to add over 5 cars a day on top of other things (haha).

In the comments section it is useful if you add a portion about what days you are usually free and how far you are willing to travel. Phone is our preferred contact. The address does not need to be exact, but a general area is really what we need.

Also, be sure to put a line saying "USERNAME at do the ton!" so that I know its my fellow buddies.

Feel free to ask any and all questions. Remember, we are interested in everything from bikes to big rigs, so if it is cool (or even a boring everyday car!) we are interested in having it in our database so long as it is in good condition and you can move it to the site yourself.
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