Mike Rowe is awesome...

We need more people like Rowe. Thanks for sharing this video. I made smart choices and questionable choices growing up and in highschool, etc. I'm almost 25, and thanks for my state for having the funding, i've been given another chance to improve my life by becoming a certified welder and given the opportunity to go to school full time to be trained. I'm thankful for such an opportunity, given that I was already basically decided that going to school wouldn't be an option for me, and missed out on college opportunities after highschool.

Peoples, you can get a lot more help than you may think in order to find funding or at least partial funding to go to a technical school or even college. Ask your state career offices for help and information, and remember that he's right, we're in high demand of additional welders, plumbers, machinist, industrial maint. techs, etc., as while people will continue looking for comfortable jobs, we'll need more and more laborer's to keep our country moving forward and functional.

I highly support everything he said, and will be looking into how I can help out any more.

BTW: I know my post is a little rambly .
Thanks for sharing this Justin... Mike is a good guy, and a big enough name that people will listen which is great. Bummer is, that other people have been saying this for years and no one seemed to listen.

Good news is that there are things being done to change these things now and good ol Mike is at the front of it.
My friend was the guy who painted the 100(or 200 don"t recall) episode mural behind Mike in that episode, said he's a real good dude. I like what he said in the video, I wonder if he ever read Shop Class as Soulcraft.
Can some one point me towards "the great soccer conspiracy"? I am sure it is a good read.
that was a great vid! lets hope it their plan works..I work in manufacturing and i can definitely say that finding good help is crazy hard to find
lol.. "I'll vote." "Can't. You can't." I love the matter-of-factness in the chairman's voice. Mike Rowe is awesome.
Great speech!
There was a great hue & cry when I dropped out of college with 4 years of a 5 year Architectural Engineering major finished. I found at that time that I hated the field, after being told by advisers and counselors all my school life that I had a great aptitude for the field.
I did a two year Tech School degree for machine shop technology, in nine months! It seems that a lot of what I learned, transferred directly so I could test out of a lot of classes and spend ALL my time in the shop. This was a ballsy move for a kid that had NEVER TAKEN A SHOP CLASS in Jr. High or High school.
I was in HEAVEN! Had a job offer before I finished school (good thing because of all the college student loans), and worked all the hours I wanted for the rest of my career. But I never felt like I spent the day at work. And I was good enough to end up running the shop that first hired me. :)
My college buds? One is a CEO, one a Civil Engineer, and one is a Petroleum Engineer. And I will be spending the weekend with two of them next weekend. 8)
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