Motorcycle addiction. Does it ever end?


So I few months back I picked up a complete 71 CB350 (for sale by the way, I live in Ottawa, but thats not what this thread is about). Wrenched on it till it it was running, learned new things ect ect. fun. So a few days ago I see a 74 XS650 new this and that for $1100 on kajiji (cragislist type site) I showed the wife who said "ooh pretty lets get it". I called the guy a couple days later and went and saw it. Amazingly it wasnt sold yet. I offered him $900 for it and took it home (with the guys trailer no less). Yesterday I went and got it safetied so that monday it can be plated. This morning after checking out DTT, Facebook, email ect I find myself once again browsing Kajiji for another bike! Why? I have "that bike I've always wanted". Will I always be looking for that next "good deal" on some old twin that was forgotten in a barn. Am I doomed to crane my head while passing garage sales to see if they're wheeling dads old bike out? I know deep down inside the answer is yes. Do many of you find yourself asking yourself these questions?
To be honest, I do it because I need the hobby. I have always had something that kept me busy and when I have nothing to do I start looking for projects. I have gardened, I have repaired my house to the point I can't fix much else. I build shit, I have built custom computers, smokers, lawn art w/e. I have rebuilt/restored motorcycles, cars, trucks, tractors, anything with an engine. I ride bikes, I fish, I hike, I camp, I hunt. I do what ever it takes not to be bored.

Part of the fun of bikes is the turn around on a project. You can take weeks, months, or years to finish and the availability of another project is right around the corner most times. Cost is fairly cheap too for the most part so having more than one project can be OK in the eyes of the spouse. ;) I'm right there with you, I have way to many little projects to get done and I'm still looking for at least 2 bikes to play with. I will have to invest in more garage space if I keep this crap up. ;D

The deal with my obsession is not so much the type of project as it is just having one. I don't really care what it is so long as I am happy doing it. AS soon as I get bored it gets finished up or put in a corner until I get that itch again.
From the age of 13 all I have wanted to do is play music. All of my life decisions have been based around playing shows, recording, touring...the next idea, the next show, rare recordings, more more more etc etc. I immigrated to America from Australia to help this along.
Something strange happened in the last year (I just turned 30). Bikes have started to take this place. Part of me is struggling to let it go, the other half is enjoying every moment. I wonder if theres gonna be a point where I can't justify having a studio filled with vintage music equipment when I could have a garage full of vintage bikes........
MB said:
From the age of 13 all I have wanted to do is play music. All of my life decisions have been based around playing shows, recording, touring...the next idea, the next show, rare recordings, more more more etc etc. I immigrated to America from Australia to help this along.
Something strange happened in the last year (I just turned 30). Bikes have started to take this place. Part of me is struggling to let it go, the other half is enjoying every moment. I wonder if theres gonna be a point where I can't justify having a studio filled with vintage music equipment when I could have a garage full of vintage bikes........
Go for the bikes, you'll always have music. :D
Ive played in bands and toured the world. Nothing to say you cant do both!!! Now I have a kid and it still works.
MB said:
From the age of 13 all I have wanted to do is play music. All of my life decisions have been based around playing shows, recording, touring...the next idea, the next show, rare recordings, more more more etc etc. I immigrated to America from Australia to help this along.
Something strange happened in the last year (I just turned 30). Bikes have started to take this place. Part of me is struggling to let it go, the other half is enjoying every moment. I wonder if theres gonna be a point where I can't justify having a studio filled with vintage music equipment when I could have a garage full of vintage bikes........

Music is and will forever be the forefront of my life. I cannot re-count the millions of times it has gotten me out of a shitty time or into a BADASS one. My wife says I am such a child for using music as much as I do, its like a drug to me, but even she can not say much as she has spent more time in her life PRACTICING to play then I have. I live eat and breath music, I taste each note and spell each lyric as if it were my own. I hardly can stand to SIT IN SILENCE when I know my personal collection is just a click away on my phone or my radio is turned up loud as hell in my company truck. I have more than once been looked at SIDEWAYS banging my head at a stoplight. All the rubberneckers get is a HELL YEAH and Devil horns straight from you know who. NEVER let that sound get away from you, bikes and guitars go hand in hand my friend.

I turn a wrench with the radio on, I do my daily work with as much tuneage as I am allowed to do and then some, If I could I would play guitar but I have two left thumbs. Get the guitar, sit on the bike and play your favorite song, you will never feel the same as you would in a studio. Hell get on the bike THINK about that song and go for a ride. Then come back crank up the amps and PISS THE NEIGHBORS OFF. ;D
frogman said:
Music is and will forever be the forefront of my life. I cannot re-count the millions of times it has gotten me out of a shitty time or into a BADASS one. My wife says I am such a child for using music as much as I do, its like a drug to me, but even she can not say much as she has spent more time in her life PRACTICING to play then I have. I live eat and breath music, I taste each note and spell each lyric as if it were my own. I hardly can stand to SIT IN SILENCE when I know my personal collection is just a click away on my phone or my radio is turned up loud as hell in my company truck. I have more than once been looked at SIDEWAYS banging my head at a stoplight. All the rubberneckers get is a HELL YEAH and Devil horns straight from you know who. NEVER let that sound get away from you, bikes and guitars go hand in hand my friend.

I turn a wrench with the radio on, I do my daily work with as much tuneage as I am allowed to do and then some, If I could I would play guitar but I have two left thumbs. Get the guitar, sit on the bike and play your favorite song, you will never feel the same as you would in a studio. Hell get on the bike THINK about that song and go for a ride. Then come back crank up the amps and PISS THE NEIGHBORS OFF. ;D
You said it best! Plus, the bike makes music itself as well. Nothing beats the sound of the engine as it revs to nirvana. :D Music is all around us. Tunes make life more bearable both in good and bad times.
There's no cure for the addiction -but don't worry about it. I've had bikes for 37 years now and now own 10 of them. They're just like crisps (potatoe chips), one is never enough.
I'm fortunate in that I have a wife the supports the mania. I never stop looking and searching.

A while ago my wife was talking to an older gentleman and he said he had a bunch of old bikes he wanted to get rid of. After he said they were free, my wife emailed me and I got hold of another DTT member. So we head up to this guys house him by getting rid of his bikes. This guy was in his eighties, could barely see or hear, had to keep his heart medicine with him at all times because he was having multiple heart attacks every day, etc, etc. After talking to him for a bit, we found out he wanted 5 bikes taken off his property (from rotted frames to a pretty decent SL175). And the reason he wanted them gone? He just bought a brand new Yamaha scooter to ride around on.

One of the guys I work with is in his 60's and bought another bike. Brand new Harley trike for a good sum of cash. This guy has been riding 2 wheels of mayhem since before my DAD was born.......and as long as he can lift his leg over the seat I'm pretty sure he's gonna keep riding.
Man, I can remember tearing the ads out of DirtRider Mag, when I was like 9-10 yrs/old and taping them all over my room before I even rode a motorcycle. Since then, I have bought, sold and riddin' the sh!t out of a ton of different bikes. To this day, @ 28 yrs/old, my passion has not diminished even the slightest amount. It is a sickness. At least it's a constructive one.
I sell bikes. A while back I had a customer who wanted a motorcycle. Nothing unusual, but said he hadn't ridden in a while. I of course asked why and he told me a story about a motorcycle accident he had which put him in a coma for 6 months!! And he still wanted to ride. It never ends.
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