Moving bikes


I spend way to much time in my lovely little shed.
I was thinking about this over a two drive on Saturday. The reason, I managed to get a complete 1978 CB 550 in a Saturn, and yes I had to take it apart.

What are some of the different ways we have moved bike to support our addiction.

I also moved a Can-am TNT 250 in the back of a 1978 Honda Civic, half was sticking out but I got it home.
I pushed my KZ home. She wasn't running.
About 2 miles.
Bought it from a buddy at High School who lived near Yonge and St. Clair.
I lived close to Bathurst and St. Clair.
At the time it was the only option to me, and I was determined to get her home.
Good timing. was out on the cb200 I've been working on for a friend dialing in the carbs when the headlight started cutting out. Then my buddy Larry noticed the back tire completely flat :mad: . Well about 2 miles from the garage, none of my other friends w/ trucks answered so into the back of Larrys Jeep, using the back seat belt to hold it in. Made it to the garage w/o being pulled over. Some crappy cell phone pics:


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