my Rant for the day


Coast to Coast
What the fuck is the deal with the international community. letting this piece of shit go in Libya for a second time without so much as a slap on the hand.

OK my solution to the problem
the US has an overabundance of prisioners in our penal system we need this jack ass taken care of. on a voluntary basis drop prisoners with weapons into Libya who ever kills him gets no questions asked pardon for the rest of them who help they get to stay in Libya and start a new life free. The new world Australia so to speak.
I am not a violent person by nature but the idea of letting someone get away with this makes me want public hangings and much harsher capitol punishment for individuals like this we know there doing it no trial no lets see what the judge thinks drawn and quartered. done

I'm done

thank you for letting me vent
In the olden days, when a penny-anti-third-world-dictator got to be too big of a pain in the ass, the Prez, or the PM, would say the word. And whap, the dude would keel over from natural causes (WINK WINK).
Some peanut farmer from Georgia, got the bright idea to get the world leaders to agree to stop that naughty business.

So, now we have to blow a lot of shit up, and get a lot of folks killed on both sides, on the off chance that he may accidentally get hit. Or that one of his "inner circle" will get tired of all the noise, and pop his ass.

Of course the other countries coughrussiacough haven't exactly stopped. There were some well documented naughtiness before/during the fall of the USSR. But that's par for the course.
So when was it that we were given permission to just roll into some other country and blow the shit out of them?
Maybe we should consider staying out of other countries affairs and concentrate on our own problems.
If these dickheads go outside their borders and cause trouble, that's a different story.
You really think the wars in Iraq and Afganistan are doing any good? Really???
Would anyone here in the US or Canada like it if some other country came in to "help"?
Right...I didn't think so.
I have a problem with just intervening in Libya, as opposed to the other 6-10 countries going ape shit against their oppressive governments right now. I also contemplated how hard it would be to be an assassin over there. I mean if this lawyer thing doesn't pan out, I could buy a plane ticket there, get some guns (I assume this would be easy) and just go to town assassin style on dictators that need out. Couldn't be THAT hard.
revheadgl said:
New world Australia..... ??? Insult someone elses country thanks!

BTW, the USA, Georgia was used as a penal colony by the British well before Australia.
Love it bro.. good one! ;) Aussie Aussie Aussie... Freaking love this country... now if we could just get the boys in blue to stop hiding behind bushes and bus shelters.... and just do what the rest of the world does... as opposed to sneaky tactics to raise revenue.. if they were concerned about our safety and enforcing the road laws, they would take a more direct and open angle.. more Highway patrol units doing laps.. more fixed cameras.. I mean.. you know.. if they were really interested in preserving our welfare.. they wouldn't be sneaky about it.. right? Don't get me wrong though.. I respect that they have to do what they have to do, and without their service we may indeed be worse off. I just want to know when this gastapo tactics of revenue raising is going to settle down? I'm tired of having to be watching my speedo every 2 seconds instead of the road.. they will kill more motrcyclists then the cagers do! And I'm tired of being paranoid that everytime I near a bendy tree-lined bit on my ride in the middle of nowhere, that a dude with a radar gun is going to jump out of the scrub and issue me a ticket and give me the 3rd degree because I was doing 10km's over... when there's clearly no-one around to hurt. I mean, there's irresponsible riding.. and then there's responsible speeding...LOL

Once upon a time it was the officers place to determine whether the driver was exercising common sense and was in full control of the vehicle. If you got pulled up for speeding and you could explain your reasons were sound, (i.e.. in the middle of FREAKIN NOWHERE!!!) they'd let you off with a warning, if he was fair. Now you get pulled up because you're using the full width of your lane through the twisties.. which apparently is "reckless driving.. swerving everywhere..". No, sorry, it's just not. I'm in my lane. MY LANE. AND as long as I'm obeying the road rules and not moving my vehicle in an irratic manner i.e... smooth, fluid, controlled movements.. this side of the lane for that corner... and then that side of the lane for this corner.. staying out of the oil strip... then I'm perfectly within my right to use as much of that lane as I want! I once got pulled up for "counter-steering" around a massive pot-hole. The officer down the road jumped out from behind the bushes (literally) with his radar gun.. proceeded to tell me I was doing 4 km's over and then started questioning me about why I was riding so out of control? (For my big swerve.. apparently). when I explaind to the MOTORCYCLE patrolman that I had simply done a counter-steer manouver and had to speed up for extra leverage to get around the huge hole, he simply looked at me like I was a tool and asked me what "counter-steer" was.
Well.. that's my rant LOL ???
4eyes said:
In the olden days, when a penny-anti-third-world-dictator got to be too big of a pain in the ass, the Prez, or the PM, would say the word. And whap, the dude would keel over from natural causes (WINK WINK).
Some peanut farmer from Georgia, got the bright idea to get the world leaders to agree to stop that naughty business.

So, now we have to blow a lot of shit up, and get a lot of folks killed on both sides, on the off chance that he may accidentally get hit. Or that one of his "inner circle" will get tired of all the noise, and pop his ass.

Of course the other countries coughrussiacough haven't exactly stopped. There were some well documented naughtiness before/during the fall of the USSR. But that's par for the course.

Dude.. that was 1st class awesomeness. I laughed my friggin ass off! And it's oh so true too! We all know it... coughrussiacough hahahahaha.... fantastic bit of kit mate ;)
The only reason we(USA) should go in there is we trained and funded the prick it's our mess. if our country could learn to stop trusting and meddling in middle east affairs we would be better off. and we would not be hunting them years later like bin laden(another one of the US mistakes).

it's a Kill Bill scenario.
Sonreir said:
I vote Alaska for the new penal colony.

You suck! I want go snowboarding there and not have to worry about prisoners stealin' my stuff and killing me. Move the prisoners to the jungles of South America. Plenty of wildlife there to keep the population in check.
Here's what frustrates me, the inaction, do it or don't do it but stop debating about it and throwing empty threats out. I personally say don't do it, but I (sometimes pretend to) understand the complexities and interconnectedness of the world and know sometime you gotta do your dirt. All the intelligencia talk will only result in everyone hating any decision that is finally made and the people that did it. If Gadaffi must be eliminated (to be replaced by the next oppressive asshole) "accidentally" drop a few missiles that either kill him or cripple his power structure and blame it on the radiation coming from Japan.
WTF!!!??? Okay.. to all of you that live in the global village, here in OZ, Foxtel is the national Cable network. JUST NOW, I just went to double check Cafe Racer is going to be on, at usual time, 8pm. Every Monday at 8pm, we get the new installment of Cafe Racer TV. But NO... they've pushed it back another hour now, to 9pm! So, what? The new show Cafe Racer gave up prime time to re-runs of Overhaulin'? WTF FOXTEL!!??
Well, since the show's started, Foxtel has only ever played the new episode on a Monday night, and then, throughout the week, they only show that same episode only 3-4 times. Not even any other episodes passed... We are 6 episodes into it here now, and they can't be fucking bothered to play back one of the earlier episodes throughout the week? If that wasn't bad enough, we are forced to watch re-run after boring re-run of fucking gay ass shows from 4 years ago, while they refuse to replay earlier episodes of the latest phenomonom Cafe Racer? THEN, they have the gall to then move Cafe Racer out of prime time viewing and put old re-runs in it's place! At 8pm on a monday night! WTF? It's a new show.. it's the BEST show, and it's a true hardcore sub-culture phenomonom, why move it back after failing to provide even regualr replays throughout the week? It doesn't make any sense! What? Is it that people arn't watching it? BS. Of course we're watching it.. so why fucking move it back an hour! Now, the young generation that watch it and are nourishing a growing fondness for the cool old gear, won't be able to enjoy it because it's after their bedtime! My girlfriend, who watches the show and rides a CBR600, can't keep her eyes open past 8.30pm most nights, and the replays are during the day, so no working person can see it.... AND before someone plays on the previous comment about bedtimes and makes that joke, YES, she is legal. She's 33 LOL.. just can't physically keep her eyes open... and now, she will miss out on this wonderful, exquisite expose` into our culture that reminds the new crowd of riders of what it is to ride... to appreciate the roots of riding and our modern gears evolution. WTF are you thinking Foxtel? 'Letter of complaint' coming your way Foxtel peoples :mad:
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