New from South Florida, and need some help ID-ing my Grandpas Honda


New Member
Whats up guys/gals, very new to the scene/motorcycles. Any guys down here in Florida? I've been into the minitruck scene since i was 16, now 24 and just finished my truck build. Got my motorcycle license a few weeks ago so now looking to build a cafe. I'm hoping to purchase my first Bike here very soon. Looking for a old Honda.

During my hours of Craiglisting, ebaying, etc. I was talking to my mom, and she told me her father had a honda when she was a kid, he passed before i was born. But we found a pic and i was wondering from the pic if you guys could tell what size CB it was?


thanks guys!
thats what i was thinking just wanted to check with the experts. I think it would be pretty cool to build a cool cafe in his honor with the same bike he had, never had a chance to meet him, but he def. passed down the Custom Car, truck, bike gene.
Is that your granddad in the pic? He's looking kinda young to be on a 1970's bike and have a 24 year old grand kid. Or is that your dad or something? Nice to have an old pic like that whoever it is. Build the bike, get the helmet and denim shorts and take a fresh pic for your kid to copy when he's older.
Tim said:
Is that your granddad in the pic? He's looking kinda young to be on a 1970's bike and have a 24 year old grand kid. Or is that your dad or something? Nice to have an old pic like that whoever it is. Build the bike, get the helmet and denim shorts and take a fresh pic for your kid to copy when he's older.

Heck yeah that would be cool! And that is my granddad. He died in '76 I think. My mom was 15 or 16. I was born in '86
Damn thats young. You should get a cb 450 that would be cool. I want to get my first dirtbike. Welcome to the site
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