New to me bike on the way

Yep, exactly what I did on my CB750... or keep your eyes open on e-bay for a used Kerker, Vance & Hines or similar 4 into 1 to show up.
That is a real common place for them to fail, moisture lays there and they rot out.
I was looking at the 12" shorty on Benjie's website. I would like to find a solution that won't require rejetting. Not sure what I need.

My cylinders are soaking in Marvel. How should I handle that when I first try to crank it? Try to suck it back out or just crank it without the plugs in okace?
Crank it over w/o the plugs. Also, I noticed you mentioned Benjis. And I hate to sound cheap, but you mentioned earlier that this was a limited budget build. Why shop there? That guys stuff seems a little over the top as far as price goes.
I only mentioned that site because in the short time I had to look up mufflers that's the first one I found that looked like a good size. I'm not necessarily planning to order that one.

I'll be posting a build thread soon, although it will probably be a slow build.
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