New toCafe Racer


New Member
Hey guys....

Just bought a 1981 CM400 for a good price. Im looking to make it into a cafe racer. Any help or sugestions would be greatly appreciated. Where would u start?

Sent from my SM-J700P using DO THE TON mobile app
Welcome to DTT, Adam!

You've already made the best possible first step: joining up here and asking advice! Next thing you should do is read. Read lots . Check for build threads based off of CM400's to get some inspiration. Check for service manual downloads in the Manuals section. Ask questions if you don't know and try not to get offended if your answer comes buried in sarcasm or dick head remarks (most folks here are great, but some can come off a bit over harsh). Remember the only stupid question is the one you ask over and over.
If your new-to-you bike isn't a runner, then fix it to rideable condition before cutting it up. If you live somewhere with a riding season then just get it on the road for this year! Winter is for building, and winter is almost done. Get the bike running, make plans and set a budget (these things get expensive, quickly!).

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