No electrics working on Honda CG 125 Br-J


Poor English kid getting into bikes and loves it!
Hey all, my cg is currently running fine and battery is charging but i have no lights or idicators. This puzzles me because the lights run direct off the generator and the brake light and indicators and clock lights run off the battery... Anyone know what the problem could be? In a bit of a pickle at the moment!

Blown bulbs, faulty switches, broken wires, bad earths, faulty indicator relay (flasher can) etc.

Try getting a test light and a DC power source to test components one by one.
thanks for the replies, checked all bulbs all earth points. Battery is fine and the single fuse is also fine. ill have a look at the stator tonight but I'm sure there's no problem there because I still got a charge and a spark...

Oh man, i've had it...

It's funny how last month or so newbies turn up with questions like this. Not to mention the 19" on 18" thread...

They're all like:

Battery is ok
Wires are ok
Bulbs are ok
Fuses are ok
Switches are ok
Hell, everything is just fine!

Well, if you're to ignorant to accept you missed something, then you'll be in a puddle of mudd for the rest of your life. The only way we can help is if WE are sure that all parts you mentioned work. The only way to do that is for YOU to be sure. If all parts work, there's no problem.

Something is wrong, so check, doublecheck and triplecheck, then come back if you're 100% sure you can not figure it out.

I have it sometimes, when a bike is being a bitch. i just work and work and work untill i find the problem.
I'm to proud to make a new thread if i can't figure it out right away. These old bikes have a way of their own, so live and learn.

And yes, this forum has a lot of knowledge - but if you're to lazy to learn yourself, please please please learn how to use the knowledge here.
killerbanjo said:
thanks for the replies, checked all bulbs all earth points. Battery is fine and the single fuse is also fine. ill have a look at the stator tonight but I'm sure there's no problem there because I still got a charge and a spark...


See, this is what i mean. Easy. You say your stator is fine. From the stator (wich you checked OK), power goes into a wire. That wire goes to a lightbulb (wich you checked OK). That lightbulb grounds to earth (wich you checked OK)

Now tell me Einstein, wich part of the story is not checked?

You also say you're sure about the stator because the bike runs. Well, you've got a battery in it aswell, so who knows.. it might be running of the battery.

Sorry i'm being such an ass, just had is with all those silly stupid questions.
lol getting a bit tetchy eh? ;) So I got the headlight and tail light working, in the headlight cluster I scrubbed every connector with wire wool and put it all back making sure everything was snug. As soon as I did that the fuse blew. Changed the fuse and it did not blow... at least I have lights for now but still nothing DC.

Nothing gets done on the web.

Get in the garage with a manual and figure it out.

Got news for you.
If all you did was change a fuse after one blew you have exactly 84.78% chance you didn't actually fix anything.

These, I know everything is perfect and I didn't mess up anything but it won't work threads are old.

Web isn't a help free help desk.
Take the time in real life to develop a relationship with a local shop that will take you money in exchange for fixing you issue, or better yet find some friends that know more them you, feed them beer and learn something.
What AC lights do you have?

Have you sat down with the factory manual?
Like really sat with something that has facts and proper terms in it?
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