NYC Motorcycle Advocacy Group!!!!!!!


Been Around the Block
Hey guys I`ve been lurking here for a while and am currently building a Cafe out of my Dad`s old `82 KZ1100. Not much mods yet just getting it mechanically sound first so that`s why you haven`t seen it yet. I just wanted to let the NYers and surrounding areas know about a group some of my Moto friends started. Check it out and sign up. It is to keep your rights in NYC to own and ride any type of moto in NYC. They have been meeting with many city council members and have done a great job so far.

Here is what they posted on most Forums.

Written by Industrialgrrrl AKA MS_Hell

Ok Ladies and Gents.. I know it's been a long time since I've been posting up. I've been busy for the past year, alongside a few others from the motorcycling community, meeting with NYC Council Members to fight for our rights to:

1. park, stand or stop our motorcycles in NYC
2. keep the ability to sell our motorcycles in NYC
3. try to solve the problem of munimeter parking for motorcycles

There has been a core group of 5 of us that have been going around to the NYC Council Members educating them on why some bills which have been introduced are poorly written and should not be passed. And we have been successful in getting several sponsors to remove their name from bills!!!!
We have positive results!!!!!!! And want to keep moving in a positive direction.

Our group has now morphed into a Motorcycle Rights Organization for NYC riders, both of motorcycles and scooters. Yes, the same bills would apply to scooters as well.

I invite everyone to join our new forum at

It will not be a forum to bullshit about how we mod our bikes, or for ride reports, etc, so is in no way in competition with this or any model or brand specific forums. It's basically a tool to form a database of all motorcycle and scooter riders in NYC, so that in case we need a call to action for people to come to City Hall and stand up we have the numbers to show a presence. It's a place to report harassment of motorcycle/scooter riders. And a place to voice your concerns and suggestions of how to improve life for moto riders in NYC.

We understand that people are busy with their lives, but we just ask for everyone's support to stand up when/if the time is needed. This is not a forum to divide the motorcycle community but instead a forum to unite us!! Regardless of what we ride, or what we choose to wear or not wear, whether there is a patch on our back or not, we all love our motorcycles. And if you want to be able to ride your motorcycle in NYC please join us. I would love to see independent riders unite and show that we can organize ourselves!!! This is my personal goal.

We will have a booth at the IMS show at the Javits, and we are looking forward to seeing old friends, and making new ones!

The website and forum are in their infancies, so please don't expect much. I've been busy with work, and life as well (moved a few weeks ago). I'm a zookeeper by trade, and my areas of expertise fall in animal care and training... .NOT website development, graphic design, etc. My only qualifications would be as a whore of the Interwebs is all. Wink

I'll be looking forward to seeing some names I know joining the NYCMAG forum.

Even if you don't live in NYC, but still occasionally ride in NYC please join, these bills will affect you as well if you cross into NYC.

While at this time we are focusing our efforts for the immediate NYC threats, there are STRONG threats coming from the state that will effect our ability to ride our modded bikes as well.

Thanks all,
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