Oil Brand, Weight Preferences

Screw you guys and earth-killing use of fossil-fuel based petroleum products. Honestly, how bad can you be? I care about mother nature and that's why I use all natural whale oil harvested from a sustainable source just off the coast of Japan. ;D
TonUp said:
I'm absolutely disgusted...two full pages of polite, rational discourse on motorcycle oil...I'm reporting this to the moderator.

Well fine then. Fuck all yalls oils. 10w fork oil is where it's at...yo.

That's more like it! I was thinking I was on Bizarro World for a second.

0-Weight Castor Oil!
Well since I piss excellence most of the time, does that mean if I use a little as an additive, will it make my bike run with excellence?
What do you guys think of valvoline vr1 motorcycle oil. Only 20w 50 I wanted to put it in my 350f
I'm pleased w/ using Rotella T 15-40 in my vintage Honda.I know better than to keep running my old clutch discs when they have so many miles on them too! Time for fresh oem friction discs and solid/fresh clutch springs too and that'll keep me from 'cooking' my engine/trans. oil prematurely.
dos said:
But what do you think of valvoline Vr1 motorcycle oil?

I haven't used that VR1 before but still run Valvoline 4-stroke 10/40 standard motorcycle oil and it works good.
Vr1 is only 20w 50 and has more zinc then the regular amount.

Any thoughts anyone I am making the bold statement of saying this is the best!
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