Picture of your Fridge Thread


Busted Nut
Fridges man they are a part of our everyday thing.
They take our beatings and door "quickly" closings
They keep our moldy cheese cold
Have you told your fridge you appreciate it lately?

Check out this Fridge Review


It changed my life
Always stocked.......

And, yes, I really appreciate all that it does..........................................


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My fridge is always running out of stock though. LOL, I don't want to see food right now as I am on a diet.
The Limey said:
What can I say? I'm an alcoholic.

You may have missed this but you have a nearly empty shelf. You need to fill it up with the appropriate bottles and do not wait too long to do this. It is not good to have an empty shelf in a beer fridge.

So my wife got me this thing for my birthday like two or three years ago. It had this gooney bag arrangement whereby you would take 1 gallon bags to get them filled at local brewery. On paper the bag idea is a good one, like boxed wine, it allows for an oxygen free environment while still dispensing. The reality however was that the bags like to explode because unlike wine they are pressurized with beer. So after about 6 months of use it was turned off and forgotten about. Recently, I purchased one of these steel mini-keg growlers. It's a fantastic growler. So I tapped the lid and installed CO2 and feed lines. Boom, the machine is back on line and working better than ever. The CO2 is housed behind the temperature control. I can fit two mini-kegs and some regular cans and bottles in there. It a perfect addition to my office, and it's on the other side of the wall from my stereo which is nice. That said, the household fridge has beer too.


Rad, I almost bought one of those growlers on the weekend. They just started carrying them local ish to me. But the 45 bucks was hard to swallow when I only get to fill the growlers about 1-2 times a month as it is an hour to the closest place that can fill them.
DesmoBro said:
Wow thats Fancy

Yes, unfortunately.

Maritime said:
Rad, I almost bought one of those growlers on the weekend. They just started carrying them local ish to me. But the 45 bucks was hard to swallow when I only get to fill the growlers about 1-2 times a month as it is an hour to the closest place that can fill them.

They can be found for roughly $25 usd on Amazon. Definitely my favorite growler.
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