Redlight King - Old Man: Hipster Overload

ooh i have a strong feeling that he will never do that again... lip rings bleed like a mo fo when you slap the shit out of someone... hahaha
if you got a glass jaw you should shut your mouth!
oh so you did hit him? I wasn't sure from your initial description. He deserved a slap.
ya i slapped him, almost did not realize i did it... when i balled up and pulled back my old man grabbed me... he was worried the kid was young and i would get arrested... i am a big fan of the bitch slap though... i feel it is pretty demoralizing to another man. ha ha ha
overall i am glad i did not start punching him... looking back not really worth it, and would have landed my ass in jail... at 25 i would have not thought twice... but 30... ehhh, not all the hot head i used to be i guess :)
but i ride metrics... never ever had issues pulling up on vintage or metric scoots to even harley bike nights at the dealer... yet every time i take my harley out to a local bike night, always some punk kids mouth off about harleys... i am just saying, it seems that as much as vintage and metric people bitch about harley riders they should really look in the mirror a bit more...
after all when i am 40 i could not really see myself wrapped around the tank of a cafe, or vibrations of a CB, most metric cruisers all cost about the same, so why not... i would get a HD... being that most have not rode i a while HD throws in Jackets, boots, gloves, etc... that is why so many new HD owners have all the HD gear, it was free with the bike... would you turn down free?
i went on fri with a buddy to buy a M50 suzuki... they threw in a free shark helmet and a suzuki jacket... i will not bust his balls for rocking the letters of his bike, exp cause they are free... i just think it is alot of the pot calling the kettal with this HD vs Metric BS...
only time my buddies that ride HD get annoyed at the vintage bikes that come ridiing with us, is when they are not propperly maintained and break down ever single time we go out, cause they do nto want to buy a new clutch cable they use a used one and it snapps to... or the carbs are dirty and the biek runs liek crap and the rider thinks it will "blow out"... we all end up on the road trying to fix a poorly maintained bike... just sucks for everyone...
but that would piss anyone off on any make/model i would say
I hear ya Joe. I dont think its as much a "fuck HD" as much as its a "fuck the guys on HDs who act like hardass pricks, or super cool bikers, or artsy hipsters, etc. because the own an HD". I like old Harleys, A LOT. I dislike the prices. They made the 45" flathead motor for nearly 40 years, and you still cant find one (just a motor) for under a grand. But I digress.

I think the issue (just my opinion) is the fact that a lot of HD guys do act like assholes. Just like a lot of Brit bike guys act superior, and sportbike guys act like theyre fucking rockstars. You get enough guys together, that all are into the same thing and 90% of the time youll find that they act like jerks.

Happens with everything. Bikes, cars, music, etc. Its all bullshit. I do and would ride with anyone on any bike. That said, I know of a bunch of people I would avoid cruising with because they do act like they are superior to others based on what they ride, or how they dress. That sucks.

And really, a lot of the HD guys do put off a certain attitude. Which is fine most of the time. Everyone feels a little cooler when youre out on two wheels. Haha... But the number of times Ive had to walk away from a group of HD riders (almost always the ones who barely ride, and bought the biker image) because they talk shit and act like jerks to everyone else around them makes me a little gunshy about chatting up those folks when I am out.

Again, though Ive had that same feeling with all types of riders. Not just HD guys. Pricks are pricks and they always will be.
I can relate to Norton guy because so many young guys act like Hondas were cafes before Brits. Here is a great example:

The Legend of the Cafe Racer

I have 2 Brits and 2 Jap bikes and when the Brits are going good the Japs collect dust. But I ride the 4 cyl Jap when I need to ride to work!
I think the sun needs to come out so we can all ride. I kind of lost which rant this thread was on, particularly when it ends up with Tea Baggers and Carpi's dad!

I know, lets talk about who makes smaller chicken strips for awhile... ::)
My point being that we have a post/rant by some curmugeon griping about kids who wear flanel shirts and skinny jeans when there are truly worrisome groups walking around out there! Get it???
Ha, that was just in good fun, man. I get everyone's points, it just seems that these kinds of threads generally all start in one place, and soon thereafter involve Harley riders, skateboarders, the tattoo'd, the pierced, and the rest at some level. Just trying to lighten the mood! :D

The Chicken Strip thing was (true story) something I saw on the Superhawk Forum. Some squid was publicly worrying that his chicken strips were wider than another guy he rides with!
Geez, I feel out of place now. No tattoos, no piercings, no skateboarding, and I normally wear khaki pants and polo shirts. Good thing I enjoy spinning wrenches......
I really don't get the skinny jeans, especially if said hipster wants to ride a motorcycle. I mean, have any of you tried it? I for one had a rather slim pair of suit pants and rode in them once. NEVER AGAIN! God it was like torture for the jewels!
i know what it's like. I don't have skinny jeans but I do have a pair of pants I wear to work, and they are somewhat tight when I'm on the bike. Not comfortable at all...I have to jostle my balls at every light to get comfortable.
So therefore, I think we can conclude that the hipster is the most impractical new trend for riding a motorcycle? And really, who wants to ride a motorcycle in loafers without socks? Just seems silly to me...
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