Running GP shift and the rear brakes?


Been Around the Block
how are you doing the rear brake pedal for the GP shift conversion? Pics speak volumes! thanks guys ;D
rockcitycafe said:

how does a gp shift profile affect the brake lever??
i was thinking if i used the gp pattern instead of rearsets when moving the pedals rearward i would have to find a way to run the back brake with the lever reversed...
I believe you just flip the lever on the drum upside down... (rotate 180 on the spline).
that was my thought from looking at it, but i wasn't sure. i'm trying to do the 'cafe on the cheap' with this bike.
vwfye said:
that was my thought from looking at it, but i wasn't sure. i'm trying to do the 'cafe on the cheap' with this bike.

Aren't we all. ;D

... Actually judging by the "how much money have you put into cafe'ing your bike" thread... AND some of the high'er' dollar cafe's coming out lately I guess there's a gap forming, kinda like choppers...

Oh well!

Yeah try turning the lever upside down, might have to get creative with the routing of the rod.
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