Something to aspire to...


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Was cruising the Knee Slider and found this inspiring bike. She's from a shop in Denmark called WrenchMonkees. It's almost perfect!
This is something that anyone building a cb750 needs to look at. It makes my pants tight if I stare at it too long. ::)
I would love to know how they fit an oil tank a battery under that bump stop. Maybe just oil and no battery.....
The 750 motor does not have an oil sump and requires an external oil tank. The CB twins have sumps.
gribbs said:
I would love to know how they fit an oil tank a battery under that bump stop. Maybe just oil and no battery.....

I'm doing a bike that resembles this and I'm using one of those lithium iron battery 1/10 the weight of a convectional lead acid battery.
few little issues....
Looks like it has almost no front fork travel....or they just hit.....
No fork brace is a bad idea.....but not as bad as those tires
Apart from the hideous white walls those wheel will be a barrel of fun in any sort of a crosswind. But I suppose dumb is as dumb does.
All show, no go :( while I like the look, I have to agree with what others have said. As for the oil tank, its likely integrated in the rear of the gas tank. I've seen that done on a few 750's. If they eliminated it.... then that bike will be a lawn ornament shortly after its maiden ride. Looks sharp tho!
Nevermind, I looked again and see oil lines running to the tail. Likely running battery-less then...
I've eyed this bike over before, and it's great to look at. On the road, different story, I'm sure. Not much clearance for that rear wheel, it looks like you might crush those copper oil lines if you so much as fart on a ride. Turns out I don't like my bikes like I like my women: pretty and dumb ain't working for me.
It's the bike that more or less made WrenchMonkees famous oh...4 years ago.

Since then they've opened up multiple shops, a whole product line (which is mostly just stuff they paint and rebrand) and been featured in numerous blogs and magazines.
If you'll look at the dates this thread was started about three years ago and was dead for a long long time until recently.
And it's an excellent design, but I agree no good on the road.
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