Sprocket carrier bearing removal - help needed


Active Member
So, I'm trying to replace my bearings, and have struggled and managed to get all the wheel bearings out, but i'm struggling to get the sprocket carrier bearing out. I'm not sure on how to take the seal out so that i can get at the bearing itself...
Here are a couple of pictures, i'm hoping that from them you can deduce what i need to do...

Lever the seal out and try not to damage the hub. The bearing may be retained with a circlip, so get that out before trying to drive the bearing out.

BTW, what is the film covering the hub center and seal- Paint or some post-apocalyptic zombie slime?
Cheers man, i'll give that a try

And that's actually the clear coat that the powder-coaters laid down (yeah, i've realised since that i probably should've done all the bearing removal stuff before getting the wheels coated), and for some reason it cracked around where the seal is. Not too big a deal, i'll be getting a new seal anyway, and i'll just feather sand the bits where the clear has cracked so it isn't too noticeable...
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