Thanks Bell Motorsports!


Active Member
Dude Bell Motorsports hooked it up with Cafe Fabrications. I received in the mail yesterday the new Star, Matte Carbon helmet and a dozen of their new classic t's. Bad Ass! The Helmet is quite amazing I might add. Bell is for sure back and making some damn nice equipment.


grant salter
jesse greening
Jealous guy right here!
Thats awesome! I would love their carbon helmet. Instead i went with a less expensive, yet snell approved Bell lid and its the most comfortable helmet ive worn.
Any way you want to share the haul with other members? I could use some new shirts.

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Garage Rat said:
We have some bell helicopters at work, the motto is "Bell, quality by coincidence".

I spat coffee reading that! Too funny. I've only been in a bell huey a few times, but im no aeromechanic either:) bell helmets on the other hand, have saved my dome more than once.
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