The Weather Gods......


New Member
So I was riding my Cl360 this year until December and it was great. Then left for a few weeks and it was cold when I got back and so I figured it was time to start the cafe project. I get her all torn down and start working and then we get some great weather for riding again. I see bikes ever where. SADFACE. So then I find a XV700 for cheap to make into a bobber at some time and it needs the valves done to run right. And now that It will be done today we have snow. LOVE the weather gods. That is all just wanted to vent to people that would get it and not just look at me and say "isn't summer when you ride?"
same thing happened to me I was waiting on a battery eliminator kit for my SR500 and it was 55 degrees out! I put it back together in about 35mins and took it for a ride, god knows if all the nuts were in the right places
Living in Texas, it hasn't been too cold to ride yet. I generally don't ride under 40 degrees F.

Coming home last night was a bit chilly but only because I was doing 85-100 for about 20 minutes. Thank you, divided high occupancy/motorcycle lane. :)
My DT has knobblies on it still, the only thing keeping me from riding in the snow is the fact that I still haven't got my license and neither my brother nor my father is insane enough to escort me to and from work. :D
What sucks in my area is that its 30 degrees when I go to work in the morning for a 25 mile ride, and 60 degrees when I leave to go home. That rather blows...
66replica said:
Living in Texas, it hasn't been too cold to ride yet. I generally don't ride under 40 degrees F.

'bout the same story here in Southern Louisiana. I could probably count on one how many weekends I haven't been able to ride this "Winter".
I got the valves set right today. WOW they were not even close to correct. She still needs a good Italian tune up and maybe a carb clean. But I did get to take her out to get gas. Happy day for riding.
Hell yeah rustedrobot, know exactly what you mean - for one reason or another I am often not able to go for a ride when I want to.

Right now, though, I'm gonna zip down the street on the mighty VTR1000 (you call 'em SuperHawks?) and get some things done.

Cheers - boingk
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