Tim going in for Hernia Operation... or is he?


1977 BMW R75/7 'Mojo'
So one of our founders who is also my brother has announced he's going in for a hernia operation at the Shouldice Hospital... I think the whole this is a front for a detox centre for the rich & famous... have you seen this place?




Never mind surgery... I'd get married there!

Seriously though... it's for real... I got a call from his wife.... she says it's the biggest thing she's seen stick out from him in years!

I guess he deserves a LITTLE pity... but don't over do it... if he gets too whiney I'll have to fly our Mom to Toronto to look after him :D
I had an epigastric hernia fixed about 9 years ago. Sure as hell didn't get to go to that fancy shmancy place.
They've been around since the 40's. Fully OHIP covered - one of the only remaining 'private hospitals' left covered by OHIP. All they do are hernia's. 40 a day! A friend went there and says its like a 3 day vacation (don't tell my wife).
3 days? What kind of hernia are you having repaired? Mine took a couple hours at the local hospital and they sent me on my way with a bottle of tylenol.
Just your typical inguinal hernia (I think). There are different techniques that require less hospital time etc, and the Shouldice method of repair is an older way of doing it (no mesh etc.) but this particular hospital is world renowned and has a recurrance rate of less than 1%. Joe Clark, Ralph Nader, Jack Layton etc. all have had their hernia repaired there. If its good enough for a has-been conservative and a bunch of pinko-commies, its good enough for me.
Yup - prophetic. Knowing the power I have in my choice of avatars, I'll have to change things a bit.
Testicular removal operation... lack of use is the cause.


Serious, get better buddy.
feel better!!! although i suspect this "fake hernia" to be an excuse for not finishing your xs on said time :)

hee hee hee. hope to see you out soon! maybe we'll bring you one of those giant motorcycle shaped cookies.
I'll let you know when I'm admitted - would be great to have a bunch of ruffians roll up on noisy bikes to see me at the Manor :)
Another buddy was just there not long ago.
Some of you might remember Thomas from the West end ride that got bowled into by the Honda Goldwing.
He was to go in for two ops, but they only took care of one until he looses some weight.

The place is very nice, and lets you out to enjoy the grounds while your recovering and in need of a breath of fresh air. ;)

Speedy recovery to you Tim.
Things have been confirmed - but the surgery is not likely going to happen till June/July. They're pretty busy.

So that means I get to ride my BMW - TONY!!! WHERE'S MY BIKE!??!!? :)
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