Triple tree with integrated clipons?


New Member
I have a machinist buddy willing to help make a custom triple tree that you can install a clip-on to, instead of clamping to the fork tube. Anyone try making one or seen one done? Looking for ideas so I can start creating a drawing.
Bunch of different Kawasaki's
Various Honda's
Suzuki only used it on GSX750F (750 Katana) as far as I recall (Maybe early GS500? I forget)
Some of the sport bikes in the last 15-20 years used a set up where the clipons were part of the upper triple tree. Go check out your local bike boneyard. You'll see what we're talking about.
GS500's had them in the US in 1989. Canada and Europe continued to have them as an option through 2000. Top plate that bolted to the top plate of the triple tree. Clips for bars bolted to the top plate with 2 bolts. Not too hard to find them if you wanted to fabricate your own clips or top plate.
Kawasaki had a couple like that too and of course the originals came from Paul Dunstall back in the early seventies for SOHC hondas.
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