triumph center stand buyers beware

roy rodriguez

Active Member
just put factory center stand on 2002 bonni--- payed full price at triumph dealer. it will not come in box. but wrapped in paper. check all parts with list inside i did not, missing parts back to dealer, he had another one we open up an checked, swapped . he says service dept. gets into and never tells them what's taken, to replace--what ever. but if you buy from dealer it costs more then mail after market.< and i have been burned.> you can go back and raise hell in show room if needed. the dealer in my case was right on did every thing to make it right no trouble. plus after putting it on i compared with cheaper $ norman hyde ones. $50 less they did not come with bushings, stand pivots on bolts. no shims to take out play/center of stand. no rubber stops stand lays up on muffler. sure its cheaper you get less and crap product that one size fits all. but triumph has same frame but rear wheel size < height> is diff. on diff. models. add in freight you saved nothing. ONE MORE CRAP NORMAN- HYDE PRODUCT. to rip off the yanks.
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