Universal Healthcare how does it work?

Scooter trash

Been Around the Block
For you folks not in the US, how does your healthcare work? I think the French pay 8% of their income to a certain level of income, then tapers off the more you make. This has been a sore point here in the US, a small injury can cost you your home or debt for years. The Affordable Care Act addressed some of the problems but left the lower middle income high and costly.

Please...if you have a beef with someone on this thread, just get a room. This is about Healthcare nothing else.


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In canada, health care is handled by the provincial governments.

In Quebec, if you make >134'095$ then your health contribution is 4% of what you earn over that amount, under that it is zero.
The costs of health care are covered by tax dollars both provincial and federal.

If i need a doctor, i show up a a hospital/clinic
Show them my RAMQ health card, and wait 16 hours to be seen, if they aren't busy.
farmer92 said:
In canada, health care is handled by the provincial governments.

In Quebec, if you make >134'095$ then your health contribution is 4% of what you earn over that amount, under that it is zero.
The costs of health care are covered by tax dollars both provincial and federal.

If i need a doctor, i show up a a hospital/clinic
Show them my RAMQ health card, and wait 16 hours to be seen, if they aren't busy.
What about an emergency? Do you really have to wait around that long? Is that normal or a worst case scenario?
In the UK it is paid for out of 'National Insurance', which aside from the poncey name is essentially an extra 3% on income tax to go towwrds your healthcare and state pension.

The downside is you can't opt out, so if you have private healthcare and pension like me you still have to pay N.I. Well, most of it.
Scooter trash said:
What about an emergency? Do you really have to wait around that long? Is that normal or a worst case scenario?

Depends how severe it is

If it's not life threatening, then ya pretty much expect at least 4-5 hours.

Weekends are the worse, but if you get there during the day, say 3pm its not bad at all.

Should also add that this healthcare also covers a part of prescription costs.
Relevant article...

In Australia it is a national system where everyone who pays income tax pays a 2% levy for "Medicare". This gets you basically free health cover in the public health system.
But if you don't want to be in a waiting list for surgery or you want your own room when in hospital then you can take out private health insurance. Private is expensive at about $6K per annum for a family of four.
XS750AU said:
Private is expensive at about $6K per annum for a family of four.

And this doesn't cover everything - there are various 'gap' payments that need to be made.

Some don't disclose their insurance when undergoing major interventions to avoid the extra costs.

XS750AU said:
In Australia it is a national system where everyone who pays income tax pays a 2% levy for "Medicare". This gets you basically free health cover in the public health system.
But if you don't want to be in a waiting list for surgery or you want your own room when in hospital then you can take out private health insurance. Private is expensive at about $6K per annum for a family of four.
What if you don't pay anything? As in homeless?
As long as you have a Medicare card, you get treatment. There is no linkage between what you paid (or didn't pay) in taxes and services provided.
My question is.

Why do you need any government healthcare? The only reason would be redistribution of wealth and that is what I have a huge problem with.

Person to person mono a mono... why are you entitled to my money?

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Good question but wrong context IMHO. It is not about wealth redistribution.

Wealth redistribution is what has happened since deregulation of the banking industry when credit card debt went off the charts. That took trillions of dollars away from teh average Joe and less than avreage (income that is) Joe and gave it to the rich. Then we cut taxes on those that can most afford them and want to cut service for those same folks.

In the US we are not having the converst=ation we need to have and that is what do we want heath care coverage to look like. That is truely a discussion that Trump could have led. It would invite all to have their say as to where we go and how we get there. What level of service is appropriate for ALL? What can be provided for a more deluxe level of care hat can and are prepared to pay for that.

Pricing of pharmaceuticals is absurd at the moment. The Epi pen is an excelent example of a system that has gone rogue. It is taking money from schools and first responders and individuals and paying as fat bonus to those in the company that sell them. That is not the only example of abuse that needs to be addressed.

Why do we have an opiod epidemic/ because drug companies are pushing their products and doctors are complicit. That needs to be stopped and let's not kid ourselves that the industry is a free market and will self correct. It takes US and our elected officials to say NO. That's not good enough.

Of course the pharma industry writes many of the health care laws and pays huge sums to lobbysists - again paid for indirectly by you and me.

The Republicans had a golden opportunity to define health care for the next hundred years and they have squandered it on cheap politics.

Democrats had the opportunity to engage Trump and the public in vigorous debate as to what HC could look like and there is silence - silence of the lambs - being taken to the slaughter.

My own belief is that there should be a basic level of HC that AL have access to that's paid for out of taxes. We can have a premium HC through the existing or new providers and insurance companies. Get Insurance companies and all that unneccessary cost out of general HC and save a truck load of cash there and let the DOHS set up a simple payment and audit system to pay directky to service providers. Like a Medicare or Medicaid for all if you will. Studies have shown those to be far more effective than the so called free market system which is not free in any sence of that word.

This is not rocket surgery or brain science (as a friend of mine used to say), but it takes courage and clarity of thought and purpose. With the amount we pay for health care, is someone going to tell me that the US cannot come up with a better solution that is fair and cost effective? Have we slipped so far that this is beyond us?
Tune-A-Fish© said:
My question is.

Why do you need any government healthcare? The only reason would be redistribution of wealth and that is what I have a huge problem with.

Person to person mono a mono... why are you entitled to my money?

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Surely that's what all taxation is about?

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Taxation should give you the modern needs of society. Highways, police, power plants, judicial system, a military not eight times overkill to rule the Earth. Healthcare comes under Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. Life comes under healthcare.

My Girlfriend had to file bankruptcy for care of a female problem. Blackie Anderson lost his trailer court that was supposed to support his wife in retirement. The hospital lawyers took everything and she had to move in with her friend. Ezra Loveridge committed suicide when he was faced with an $80,000 bill for his sick baby. The hospital had a lien on his home and cars and was going through the Attorney General to collect. The US healthcare system is broken and my tax money should help fix it, not buy another super Aircraft Carrier to bomb another country in Blukka Blikka Uranustan cause the leader made us mad.
Did I read that our (US) defense budget is over $600 billion annually and that may not include the wars. Russia by comparison is $61 billion.

I have no way to validate those numbers but even if they are just in the ballpark, WTF are we doing? We seem to squander billions on things like assets we probably don't need and paying outrageous rates to private armies for security forces. Why don't we cut the living crap out of that budget and start doing things in house or just stop doing them altogether.
Scooter trash said:
Healthcare comes under Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. Life comes under healthcare.

I have a right to bear arms. Does that mean you should buy me guns?

Healthcare is not a right, it's a solution with a price.

Th reason the cost of care is so incredibly high is because of the willingness to pay... just watched a cataracts surgery in Asia that cost with artificial lenses just $20... the lies need to stop before you can ask your public to pay the tab for them.

Nobody would say no to a healthcare plan if it were not a scam in any way and the care needs to be reasonably accurate.

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Tune-A-Fish© said:
I have a right to bear arms. Does that mean you should buy me guns?

Healthcare is not a right, it's a solution with a price.

Th reason the cost of care is so incredibly high is because of the willingness to pay... just watched a cataracts surgery in Asia that cost with artificial lenses just $20... the lies need to stop before you can ask your public to pay the tab for them.

Nobody would say no to a healthcare plan if it were not a scam in any way and the care needs to be reasonably accurate.

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So, endless wars are a right too? I'd love to go shopping without a fucking gun. I pay taxes too, and surviving the Vietnam war opened my eyes to what taxes in America are for, kill kill kill, Murica! 12,000 gun homicides every year, speaks volumes. We aren't free, we live with domestic terror every minute. Oh golly here comes a Muslim we made homeless.

Relevant site to Canadian health care

The cost is a little over 6k cad/ person annually.

It also has breakdowns of costs if you dig a little.

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Tune-A-Fish© said:
I have a right to bear arms. Does that mean you should buy me guns?

Healthcare is not a right, it's a solution with a price.

Th reason the cost of care is so incredibly high is because of the willingness to pay... just watched a cataracts surgery in Asia that cost with artificial lenses just $20... the lies need to stop before you can ask your public to pay the tab for them.

Nobody would say no to a healthcare plan if it were not a scam in any way and the care needs to be reasonably accurate.

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Jokes aside, I agree with you, Capitalism needs to be removed from health care.
Scooter trash said:
So, endless wars are a right too? I'd love to go shopping without a fucking gun. I pay taxes too, and surviving the Vietnam war opened my eyes to what taxes in America are for, kill kill kill, Murica! 12,000 gun homicides every year, speaks volumes. We aren't free, we live with domestic terror every minute. Oh golly here comes a Muslim we made homeless.
Wtf are you talking about son.

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