WANTED: Cam chain tensioner push bar - CB35F/CB400F..


New Member
Evening all,

Just hoping someone might have a cam chain tensioner push rod to suit a 1975-1977 CB350F / CB400F that you would be happy to sell.

What is the part number on the schematic. I may have it.


  • honda-cb350f-four-france-cam-chain-tensioner_bigma000079e05_0fa9.gif
    153.6 KB · Views: 262
To all those that have had a look for this part thanks...
I have come across (and bought) two OEM NOS replacement pieces...
Evening all,

Just hoping someone might have a cam chain tensioner push rod to suit a 1975-1977 CB350F / CB400F that you would be happy to sell.

I know this is a bit late but do you still need the tensioner as I just found one amongst 'stuff'
I realize I'm stirring up a 3-year old thread, but I sure could use a CB400F/CB350F cam chain tensioner push rod if anyone has one in a box of parts anywhere. Otherwise, I may attempt to make one. Thanks in advance.
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