what is the best way to store my kz750 for winter?


Been Around the Block
some people say to drain the tank completely, and add fuel stabilzer. others say to fill the tank pretty much full and add fuel stabilizer. what is the best method for an old bike like mine? i have a 79 kz750 twin. thanks everyone
Full tank is best. A little fuel stabilizer is OK, but not mandatory, IMO. Be sure to follow instructions and not use too much. A whole can would be too high of a concentration and could cause fuel system damage.

Put it away after running to full operating temperature. That will make sure no moisture is trapped in the oil.

Stuff some course steel wool in the exhaust to keep critters out.

Put a Battery Tender on the battery. Don't use a "trickle charger." Those charge continuously, and will ruin the battery. You want a "maintenance" charger or "float" charger. They maintain the battery voltage and only go into charge mode as needed.

You may get all kinds of over the top suggestions like fogging the cylinders or changing the oil before putting it away, and then changing it again in the spring. Pretty much hogwash. If it is due for an oil change, then change it. If if is not due, then don't.

No need to jack it up off the tires. They won't "flat spot." If you are going to cover it, lay down a sheet of plastic under it. That will keep moisture from coming up out of the concrete and accumulating under the cover.
A lot depends on your climate and the time it's going away for.

My XS650 will likely be ridden a couple more times this season, and then again no later than March. Might even sneak out on a dry day between now and then, so really, I don't 'winterize' at all. IMHO letting it sit for a few weeks between running isn't a big deal.

If longer though, I'd fill the tank, toss a little Seafoam in it, run it through the system, then drain the bowls (maybe, not 100% on this). Put it up on a center stand if you can, wipe it down with an oily rag (helps prevent rust) and call it a day. Lots of online writeups on winterizing. Some will have you dropping oil into the cylinders etc. which is all fine and good too, especially if you're not going to run it for the next 6 months.
Glad you posted this thread. I have a V Star 1100 and I live in MN. She goes into hibernation as soon as the snow flies. Then, she's sleeping till March, April time.
I do pretty much exactly as ADC said. And NEVER start the damn thing during its hibernation "just to keep it happy" or whatever people like to say. You get that build up of condensation and rust and havoc until spring.
i plan on painting my bike this winter so i planned on removing the gas from the tank to paint the tank n such. would i still be ok?
modifiedamerican said:
plan on painting my bike this winter ... would i still be ok?

No. You will cause a tear in the chronosynclasticinfundibulum, and we will ALL be DOOMED!!
Winterizing HA! Just put moar clothes on and get her out and flog the crap out of it once/twice a week. Put it away HOT and with a full tank and it will be ready for the next time.

Around here, since it it hardly ever snows and when it does it doesn't stay more than a few days, we just put fairings on the bikes and more clothes on and do the same old Sunday rides we always have. May start them a little later in the day and not ride as long but hey, its still fun. ;D
frogman said:
Around here, since it it hardly ever snows and when it does it doesn't stay more than a few days, we just put fairings on the bikes and more clothes on and do the same old Sunday rides we always have.

F you sir! hahahha ;D Up here in Minnesnowta we don't get that ability....however....I am building a sidecar for an old Goldwing as my project this winter....and the police escorts for funerals usually rock a sidecar in the winter...so me thinks this could be my way to work that angle. (and wear a 1 piece carhart suit hahaha)
Neighbors think I'm crazy getting my camo coveralls on and going out for a ride but they don't get it. I grew up in Colorado so I get the cold and the snow, but we still went out in it.

Somewhere I remember a guy riding a bike with a side car spinning shitties in a parking lot covered with snow, I need to go find it and post it up, I about died laughing at him. ;D
will do. ill deff drain the tank and let it air out for a few days before paint it. im thinkin maybe flat black with some bare metal showing in spots. like a rustic type paint job. not to sure yet. not sure how it would look for a cafe inspired bike.
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