"what'cha drinking tonight?"

having a 6er of Fat Tire amber ale in a best western. waking up early tomorrow to check out all the cool shit at the vintage bike show in mt. vernon, washington.
Dad got a bunch of Tecate last night. It's an improvement over the Natural Ice he usually drinks, but considering he was born and raised in South Carolina, we'll forgive him that. :D
Tecate taste better with salt and lime, Corona with salt and lime is more of an American thing. Tecate is the drink of champions.
Hellboy drank Tecate. I'm gonna go have a couple, when I have enough my face starts to turn red too.
+1 on Negra Modelo, my father always has some for me at his house, he give the rest Miller lite. My other favorite is Bohemia.
Matacabras from Daves BrewFarm- its delicious. I love porters and stouts but this is not as dark but very flavorful. http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/21405
Local watering hole tonight, unlimited wings for $10 and a Sam Adams Boston Lager
madmatt1 said:
Lagunita's Hop Stoopid. Un-fucking-believable how good this stuff is. Dark Horse Crooked Tree IPA. This stuff is just about perfect as well. A hop-heads night in paradise for me!

Lagunita's Little Sumpin Sumpin.
Link for you gents'
Best beer I have ever had. Sipped a bit of my older brothers one day and have never had anything so tasty.

Sweet Water IPA is great for summer if you're into IPAs. Oddly enough I like the dryness...
Sleeman original draft with a wedge of lime.
My great granddad used to be a rumrunner and probably carried his share of Sleemans into the US of A. Nice segway into the Sleeman's Alcatraz contest - check it out and wish me luck.
BTW, the beer is pretty effin' good too (we don't swear up here in Canada - we're so proper don't ye know).
Pat Cowan,
Vintage Motorcycle Fiberglass
pacomotorstuff said:
Sleeman original draft with a wedge of lime.
My great granddad used to be a rumrunner and probably carried his share of Sleemans into the US of A. Nice segway into the Sleeman's Alcatraz contest - check it out and wish me luck.
BTW, the beer is pretty effin' good too (we don't swear up here in Canada - we're so proper don't ye know).
Pat Cowan,
Vintage Motorcycle Fiberglass

Never mind the beer... get busy on my seat!! :eek: ;D
Lagunita's Little Sumpin Sumpin.
Link for you gents'
Best beer I have ever had. Sipped a bit of my older brothers one day and have never had anything so tasty.

Fox- If you like that beer of Lagunita's, you should really try the Hop Stoopid. Actually, you should try the Maximus IPA
first, then try the Hop Stoopid. It's kind of like a gradual build up to the creme de le creme.
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