What's going on now over at Ichiban Moto ?

I need your participation :D :
I made a couple of vid options to submit to the 5-hour energy yummification contest. The top prize is $50,000. If I win anything , 1/3 goes to Tim in support of this awesome website he hosts for us. 1/3 goes to the Orphans of the Storm animal shelter ( my wife's charity) and 1/3 goes into the Ichiban Moto shop fund ( for zipties etc.)

I even made a fancy glass from a bottle to mix my contest entries in. There are two recipes in the video, both are tasty, however I want your feedback on which one to send in to them. ( there are two separate 60 second videos ) Please leave a preference comment on the youtube video page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC28gtkJP-bK77M5Qyc3Dn7g

or tweet me @ichibanmoto1 #badass

There are a lot of restrictions on what I could put in the drink, so I had to be creative ( like no drugs, alcohol, caffeine etc. ) here is the rules page: http://www.5hourenergy.com/yummification/default.asp

Here is the video ;D :


*updated with correct link* ;D
**** UPDATE ****

5 hour energy actually accepted the recipe video number 1 !

Here is the link to share: http://tinyurl.com/pd47foz from their contest site.

like I said, if I win anything, 1/3 of the cash is going to Tim in support of DTT, 1/3 to Orphans of the Storm animal shelter
Ichiban Moto said:
**** UPDATE ****

5 hour energy actually accepted the recipe video number 1 !

Here is the link to share: http://tinyurl.com/pd47foz from their contest site.

like I said, if I win anything, 1/3 of the cash is going to Tim in support of DTT, 1/3 to Orphans of the Storm animal shelter

That's where our latest cat came from. She's Bad Ass too.
Ichiban Moto said:
5 hour energy actually accepted the recipe video number 1 !

Here is the link to share: http://tinyurl.com/pd47foz from their contest site.

like I said, if I win anything, 1/3 of the cash is going to Tim in support of DTT, 1/3 to Orphans of the Storm animal shelter


teazer said:
That's where our latest cat came from. She's Bad Ass too.

Our bad ass rescue cat "Smokey" starred in the video review of desmobro's bad ass recycled art license plate bird house:

Re: What's going on now over at Ichiban Moto ? Camera Fun

I made a camera for a friend on another motorcycle forum.

Now he can post pics of all of the bikes he owns for those who DO NOT believe he actually has a motorcycle ;D

here is the video:

pinhole camera. A friend converted the cab of his pickup into a pinhole camera, and there's a photographer that converted a delivery truck into a giant pinhole camera to take pics around the US of A.
hey moran !! how is he gonna get the pics on the interwebs ? email ?hahahahhahahhahhahhaahahhahahhahahahahahhahahhhahhahahahahahahaah
Thank you Ichiban Moto!

( I actually do send stickers to everyone featured in my videos and those that send me stuff )

hillsy said:
Thank you Ichiban Moto!
You are very welcome Hillsy, thanks for sending me that manual all the way from Australia!
The torque specifications were very helpful ;D

How to remove a motorcycle engine

I removed the engine so I can paint the frame and do some more performance upgrades ;D

here is the video:

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