Who dat in tha dirty? (our roll call)

My name is Gary
Location: New Orleans La / Afghanistan
Job: police officer / contractor
Bike: 82 cb750 (yeah I know it's a DOHC) just got it when I was in town on leave. So i havent started on it yet but I keep buying parts and mailing them to my buddies house so I can jump right in when I get home. I think I'm gonna build sort of a ratracer / cafeish type bike.
Hobbies: hunt ,fish, drink whiskey (or pretty much anything cold and alcoholic) and party
Music: pretty much anything but really like the punk i.e social distortion, nofx, ramones, stuff like that.
Anywho if anybody wants to give me a shout holla at me. But if I don't get back right away it's cuz the Internet in Afghanistan blows.
Cool! Somebody else in NOLA ;D

Thank you for your service, and when you get back... I'll buy ya a cold one ;)
im currently working for a governement agency....im asigned to the 101st. taskforce 101....we are tasked with operations along the pakistani border
CntDrv55 said:
im currently working for a governement agency....im asigned to the 101st. taskforce 101....we are tasked with operations along the pakistani border

Thanks for your service! I can never say thank you enough to the guys and gals that make up our armed forces! You cats ROCK!
Gary, yoiu're missin' Mardi Gras! :p

If you want, send me an address I can ship to and I'll send ya a King Cake ;)
hey thanks for the support ;D ....i worked for NOPD for 9 years and this is the first Mardi Gras i have missed and i have to tell ya it feels great!!!...but i will be back at it next year !! thanks again for the support!!
LMAO! Yea, I know y'all work some crazy ass hours during Carnival. Probably less stress over there :p

Do you know when you're rotating back this way?
Good luck to ya' man...... we are all rootin' for your safe return...... and "thanks" for your service.
Mid June? That's not too bad. Gonna miss Jazz Fest too :p
When ya get back and settled in, How 'bout Liuzzas for a Frenchulatta and a cold draft?
sounds good brother ill me you there....also i understand that you live in metairie by the park.....where abouts do you live?
I'm in Airline Park Subdivision. Just off David Dr. and Laffreniere.
Bwahahahaaaa! Man it's a small world!
I'm on Hall, between Laffreniere and Camphor.
You've probably seen me putt-putting through the neighborhood in my stepside...
nah i cant say that ive seen that truck...but then again i havent been home in a while...but i will be soon then its party time hahah...then getting down on some serious work on my bike....my buddy put the 06 gixxer 1000 triple clamp and front forks on for me....now just have to find a wide enough swingarm for a 5.5 inche gixxer 600 rear wheel
CntDrv55 said:
nah i cant say that ive seen that truck...
Damn man, way to crush a brothers delusions of fame :p

As for the swingarm, why not use the GSXR's?
That's our plan for the '75 CB750 we just picked up.
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