Who did I see Tuesday in Avon?


Coast to Coast
Which one of you guys has the flat black Kawi with green frame? I was heading south, you north crossing I-90 on Rt83 Tuesday around 4:30. I was on my 850 Special, just got a quick look at your kawi, but it looked pretty good. You were headed towards the storm, while I was outrunning it to get home.

weird, i was there almost at the same time but not on that. unless you confused green for blue and a honda.
Probably was you, bike was all flat black with what I thought was a bright green (Kawi green) frame. Just got a quick glance as traffic sucks that time of day, and I was crossing the bridge in the turn lane to get on 90 east bound. From what I saw it looked pretty good- very trim. If you come through that way most days, maybe we can hook up- I'm there everyday around 4:00, and if it's not raining(hard) or snowing I'm riding.

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