Winterizing... a project?


Active Member
Newbie question here...

I know how to winterize a motorbike, and I'm not asking any details on how to do it for a normal bike... but what about your project bikes (more importantly for my cx500d)? Surely you don't fill up your gas tank with gas & stab only to take it off and maybe paint it or do something else, and what about rust? What about the carbs? If half the parts may be sitting in my temperature controlled basement and the other half in my ambient heated garage, what should I do? Any tips? Thank you!!
if your gonna paint, then clean the tank completely (in and out, dont want shit dripping out as you paint!). if you have already painted/have time before you paint, i get about a quarter cop of motor oil, throw it in, shake it around, then dump the rest. keeps rust off and should burn fine, albeit smokily, come running time.

carbs should be alloy, simply drain and set aside... wouldnt be a bad idea to rebuild then set aside, ready to go on come ride time.

all steel parts (usually engine and suspension bits) should get a light coating of motor oil if they are not in liquid... flash rust can occur in an hour if they are dry.

i oil all the rebuilt motor parts (hell, as you rebuild them you should put "assembly lube"... i just use the reccomended oil) then put them in a large clear plastic bag, close the bag, and set parts aside (either on a shelf or bench etc). alloy parts should be covered to keep dust off, but dont necessarily need to be in a bag (unless they will be affected by dust ie engine interior/anything that moves around).

just think whats the best way to keep your clean parts clean... it sucks to have to rebuild your tranny twice (although it IS easier the second time) because you notice specs of dust or in my case, blasting media.
put it in the corner of the garage on some carpet, put a bit of stabil in the gas tank... start it for 10 min every 2 weeks... done...
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