WTF! Where are all our southerners?


Therapy is expensive. Riding is cheap. You decide.
Seriously, this is like the least visited section of the entire website. I figured people would be rushing on here to meet people in person that might be living just down the block from them, yet every day when I get on, I'm sorely let down. Kinda makes me turn a frown, and that's not good. Get your ass in gear and let's figure out who lives where and maybe we'll all find a crew to hang out with and kick back a few cold ones on the weekend with while figuring out how to jet someone's carbs with a set of pod filters.
I'm here in the ham, busting ass on the shop so I don't get to spend a lot of time here, but I still pop in from time to time. And don't worry, garage warming party at barbers!

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I'm going to try my best to make it. I've got family in southern AL, so I might ride over there on Thursday, then travel north Friday morning.
I'm here in beautiful Gulf Shores Al. Always ready for some Moto brethren to visit! Hell I've been trying to get kiley to come down here for like four years now. I personally don't leave the island very much though... I get nosebleeds if I go north of I-10. I've been so busy for the past year or so that I haven't really been able to give the time to DTT that I used to. I'm only just starting to post regularly again. And I rock an o.g. Dirty South patch made by CrescentSon's mom on my shoulder. I should be checking in here more. Thanks for the guilt trip. Now I'm gonna cry.
D1, tears not needed man! I just needed to know that we're still out there. I used to live on the island myself, back in grade school mind you. Let's see, 1st. grade, so that was 1990 I think. Lived down from the power plant on 23rd ave, couple of blocks from the canal. Gulf Shores Elementary, ah memories... Hahaha.
I grew up on the island myself. 1974-1987. I was a year old when we moved there. I remember when G.S. elementary opened! Now I am just down the road from Kiley and Neal. And thanks for the reminder, I do need to check into the dirty more often.
It's a small world after all! And btw jewbacca, I sent twisted wheelz (also from the island) a text message about your excellent user name. I have the blood of the chosen in my veins you see, which was a constant point of joking with my buds. I want to call you Jewie sometimes but I'm afraid folks will miss the star wars reference and think I'm being an antisematic asshole.
The dragon is a bit far for me. One year I'll hook it up though. And I missed barber 2011 but hopefully that will be the only one I'll miss for the foreseeable future. I just got a good traveling bike (89 pc800) and I'm already planning to go see twisted wheelz and Joeyputt sometime in the next few weeks.
Still here in NOLA. I finally got another smoker here to ride with, now that we just about got his bike sorted out. He hasn't made his way over here yet though.
And I agree, The Dragon is nice, but it's not really "south" enough to me.
I thought about planning a NOLA GTG, maybe around Mardi Gras, but there isn't anyone that close to here, and the roads around NOLA suck dogwater (flat and mostly straight). I'm not opposed to planning some sort of Gulf Coast GTG if anyone is interested. Perhaps on the MS coast to be centrally located? The roads are mostly the same, but the beach is there year round.
If we wanted to do it in gulf shores I could arrange everything. My wife and I own a consierge service that caters to tourists so we've got the hookup on getting accommodations. I have a small house on a small lot, so camping at my place is out. But there's two campgrounds just up the road from me. Just after school starts would be the best time for us as our business would be slowing down. Right now it's balls to the walls every weekend. I'll look at calendars and try to come up with an event that is already happening. Let's do this!
Doesn't southerner cover everything from Georgia to Virginia?
I was told Florida border is the furthest north you can go before you start going south ;D
Re: Re: WTF! Where are all our southerners?

Redbird said:
'round here anything North of I-20 is considered "Yankee" :p :D


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Deviant1 said:
It's a small world after all! And btw jewbacca, I sent twisted wheelz (also from the island) a text message about your excellent user name. I have the blood of the chosen in my veins you see, which was a constant point of joking with my buds. I want to call you Jewie sometimes but I'm afraid folks will miss the star wars reference and think I'm being an antisematic asshole.

Go ahead and call me whatever man, I've been called it all. My wife calls me that when I don't shave for a while and I'm all mountain man-ish looking. My beard is dark red (CHEWbacca reference) and grows straight out all white-trashy (Joe Dirt reference), but I'm lazy with a razor, so more often than not, I'm sporting a half-assed beard.
Don't get me wrong, I love the Dragon. It was a ton of fun last year when I went. It's just the fact that it's 10 hours away, and it's just difficult to get everyone off on the same weekend. Flug does a good job of getting everything going, and Kiley opens up his house for those who go to Barber's every year. I think that's great, you don't see that type of commitment to others anymore.

It just seems like, with as many members as we have, I would think there would be a lot more regional meet-ups, hang-outs, get-togethers, riding weekends, etc. I know that there aren't 200 people in one city or anything, but I think that we could get, say, all the Florida people together for a weekend, or do a Florida/Georgia weekend, etc. Maybe something to think about in the future.
Alex, if you decide to put something together in GS let me know. I'm all in to help as well ;)
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