Why oh why do people ever think that they are ever gonna get back what they put in to building bikes. I mean unless you get parts for free, have a sponsor , or can most all the expensive stuff yourself.... it just never happens. My philosophy If you do everything the right way on a bike then keep it and appreciate it. If you are building for profit be frugal and amast a collection here and there bargain style. Home built bikes are just that home built , no matter how awesome they are they are never gonna grab the attention that pro bike builders are gonna , hence they never gonna attract the cash. Unless you are building a bike to order for a customer or something expct a loss or keep your work of art!
That said , I recall reading that that dude Sean from Roc City built that smokin hot cafe in his avatar all hand fabbed , looked so sharp it could cut class and he put it on ebay and didnt even get near his reserve for it ( and he is a pro).
Sorry man I bet it's a killer bike and I hope you get what you are after but don't let it crush your spirits. I bet you would do alot better trading for something that might have more universal appeal ,hence a bigger market( classic trucks, cars, classic stoock bikes)
my two cents