KZ400 "Dirty Bird" Cafe (Winter mods)

Re: 79 KZ400 Cafe (New pic and video)

look'n good Treitz, I like the sound of the pipes in the vid. Not bad for a first bike.
Re: 79 KZ400 Cafe (New pic and video)

Thanks guys. It's fun to ride. Can't wait to "finish" it up. Get it all dialed and tuned and get the brat style seat done.

From what I see it will never be DONE. I already have plans for next winter when I have more time and can take care of some more details and cosmetic stuff. Powder coating and such.
Re: KZ400 "Dirty Bird" Cafe

Well... getting close on this whole rev issue. Think I may have to bite the bullet and buy new pilot jets.
Re: KZ400 "Dirty Bird" Cafe

treitz said:
Well... getting close on this whole rev issue. Think I may have to bite the bullet and buy new pilot jets.

I did yesterday... They were $5 each @ snakeriver yamaha
Re: KZ400 "Dirty Bird" Cafe

Swapmeet Louie said:
I did yesterday... They were $5 each @ snakeriver yamaha

Pilot jets from Carles, for my bike are $13 each and I found them for $10 each online.

Are they interchangeable? I guess that's a dumb question because other bikes may have the same carbs, right? Guess I should research the carbs themselves and call around.
Re: KZ400 "Dirty Bird" Cafe

Just installed them... Bike is now in perfect running order. And scary fast... You gotta hear this pipe now. Sounds like a Jaguar in a blender, haha

Make sure when you get them to make a significant jump in size. Like 2 or 3 sizes larger.
Re: KZ400 "Dirty Bird" Cafe

Okay will do.

Can't wait to hear your bike! Hopefully the weather turns around for us soon.
Re: KZ400 "Dirty Bird" Cafe

I recognize that street...that's on BSU campus right? Corner of Beacon & Lincoln in front of the SUB? I live not far from there....
Re: KZ400 "Dirty Bird" Cafe

Deadlogic - yes it is. Very cool! There a few Boise guys on here now. Start chatting with us and we'll let you know the next time we all get together.

Vonzipper - thank you. I LOVE your paint job. Once I "finish" this bike, maybe next spring I plan on painting it. Picking a color is really hard for me though.
Re: KZ400 "Dirty Bird" Cafe

.jordan said:
have you had any problems with the forks flexing w/o a fender or brace?

Not that I have noticed. I do plan on installing a fender. Just havent bought one yet.
Re: KZ400 "Dirty Bird" Cafe

Wow man this bike looks amazing. This is the direction i want to go with my KZ.
Re: KZ400 "Dirty Bird" Cafe

Thank you sir. It's been a fun project. If it wasn't for the damn carbs of course :-D

Still trying to get them tuned.

I would suggest going the single carb conversion route. I am still considering it myself.
Re: KZ400 "Dirty Bird" Cafe

Thinking about doing a single carb conversion on this bad boy. Wondering if a 38mm carb would be too big. Seams most guys are using a 35.

It's a Keihin PWK 38 flat slide.

Input would be appreciated.
Re: KZ400 "Dirty Bird" Cafe (Carb Question)

If most people are using a 65mm why would you use a 38? Seems like a silly question that you probably already know the answer to...

Sorry I didnt get back to about the pods, but in all reality. I wouldnt let a pair go for less than a pair of jets would cost you @ $10.00
Re: KZ400 "Dirty Bird" Cafe (Carb Question)

Swapmeet Louie said:
If most people are using a 65mm why would you use a 38? Seems like a silly question that you probably already know the answer to...

Sorry I didnt get back to about the pods, but in all reality. I wouldnt let a pair go for less than a pair of jets would cost you @ $10.00

For the carb: Some people go up to 36. I guess my question more than anything was whether it was too big of a jump or not from 36-38, or if you can make them act similar based on jetting.

For the pods: I would be happy paying $10 each for pods if they worked and meant I didn't have to order jets. Mainly because I do not know which jet size I need to order and if I order multiple sizes I will end up spending over $20 anyway. My question was more if you had some that you wouldn't mind letting me try and if they worked I would either buy them from you, or buy them online.

That being said, I don't know that pods will lean it out enough anyway.

So I am currently trying to figure out a single carb set up. If that fails, I'll probably just order the primary jet in a couple sizes and see what happens.

I also probably need to adjust my float level... but I am not sure how to do that. The manual doesn't make much sense of it.
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