Project "Caroline" CB350four And so it begins!

Gauges are being a bitch due to the fact that epoxy paint takes forever to cure when it is cold, so I just brought them in the house! Anyway, while I was waiting on that I did start the badge restoration on the 350 fours badges. I stopped by the hobby shop and picked up some testors model paint and some of the little cone points that go on a model glue tube. I mounted those tips (with some mods) to a syringe for my paint tool. You will see there is a little paint on the top ridges in places, but that will buff right off with some 0000 steel wool. I have to let them dry and then do a little touch up before the buffing, but here they are as of now.



Damn thats a wicked cool idea with the syringe!! Never thought of that, always just used a small brush
Re: Project "Caroline" CB350four: Getting Down to Business!

Finally had some time to get out in the shop and really get some work going, and man was it therapeutic! I only got a little done, see:

Also cut off some steel from the frame for the first time, and let me tell all you purist, “don't cut her up” guys! It was fucking fun! HAHAHAHAHA

Here is how she sits now, but now that I have it this far down, it gives me lots of stuff to do with any chance I get to get out in the shop.

Also, here is a shot of how far I got with the gauges, still waiting on the housings to finish curing.

Thank all of you for the kind words; they drive me almost as much as my dreams of riding her on a sunny spring day!
At the risk of sounding like I'm kissing your ass, great work! It's really coming along.
Painting with a syringe huh.... who'd a thunk it.

and you know I am starting to get jealous... but the Zook pushed it's way in front of the "Lil Sister". ::)
Re: Project "Caroline" CB350four: Getting Down to Business!

tWistedWheelz said:
Also cut off some steel from the frame for the first time, and let me tell all you purist, “don't cut her up” guys! It was fucking fun! HAHAHAHAHA

Hell yeah!
Hoosier Daddy said:
Painting with a syringe huh.... who'd a thunk it.

and you know I am starting to get jealous... but the Zook pushed it's way in front of the "Lil Sister". ::)

Well hoosier, I am a certified safe house for CB350f's, do I need to contact DHR and have little sister brought to someone who will properly care for her!!!!

I hope you get to her soon man, if not.......want to sell her? Caroline would like a lil sis!
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